**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Canada too! :grin:

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So Tesla=American driver.

Cool when sunny, shit when raining :grin:/s

I donā€™t think rain effects it much. Snow is the problem as I understand it.

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Global warming to the rescue!


yep same reason people are more scared of getting on an airplane than they are of driving which is much more dangerous.


Itā€™s important to separate self driving from electric. The two arenā€™t linked other than Tesla happens to lead both.


Hereā€™s someone I havenā€™t thought at all about in several months, even though I feel like she was everywhere in 2020:

Happy Sarah Cooper Day!


This generationā€™s Vaughn Meader


Itā€™s absolutely incredible that a president could say that and not lose 90% of his support. Just blows my mind.


Ahhh so youā€™ve stumbled onto her videos, youā€™re in for a treat lol

She does these all the time and also does a bunch of other dumbass videos too and they all get over a million views on Facebook right away, I think sheā€™s pretty popular on there.

One twitter account I follow, they got banned a few days ago, would post fleets of these dumbass videos he would find off of Facebook. I watched them every day and not sure whether I even got enjoyment out of it but i still kept doing it lol

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Itā€™s this cofounder, Bernie Marcus

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Not sure why people intentionally misusing a product should warrant such a reaction.

The people donā€™t warrant it. The vehicles arenā€™t functioning as designed.

This is what CR did:

Using a weighted chain attached to the steering wheel to simulate the pressure of the driverā€™s hands, two Consumer Reports researchers were able to use the steering wheel dial on a Tesla Model Y to accelerate from a full stop, and then ā€œdriveā€ around on a closed-course test track for several miles ā€” all while sitting in the passenger seat and backseat.

Thatā€™s not ā€œarenā€™t functioning as designedā€. Thatā€™s intentional misuse.

Teslaā€™s arenā€™t more dangerous than any other car, and are in fact likely safer than an average car. Youā€™re just being a luddite.


Hard disagree. It would be like saying we need to discontinue a certain brand of hair dryer because a couple people get electrocuted using it in the shower.

The cars and technology are incredibly efficient and safe when used correctly. Lets not bow to our dumbest common denominator

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Vehicles arenā€™t used in isolation where risk is restricted to the user.

Theyā€™re designed to behave in a certain way when thereā€™s a person in the driverā€™s seat and in a very different way when there isnā€™t.

This is a huge failure of testing not picked up during the many hundreds of thousands of hours testing that we are assured were carried out.

Also makes you wonder what else testing failed to pick up.

Give me your criteria for huge failure. Then tell me how it was met.

The crash that sparked this discussion so far has been reported to not have autopilot on and to not have FSD, so you got quite an uphill battle here.

By that logic, if I hack into a Tesla and change itā€™s programming so that the sensors donā€™t work, itā€™s not functioning as designed. Normal people realize thatā€™s ridiculous.

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One of the great things about a car built mostly out of software is that it can be patched. These misuses dont require that the cars be discontinued, but they will lead to tweaks to make the cars even safer.

How is this different than nailing the accelerator to the floor

Canā€™t imagine putting the burden of Tesla to prevent intentional misuse. Accidental misuse yes. But when you need to tie chains to the wheel, thatā€™s beyond ludicrous. I think our legal system can handle saying thatā€™s the fault of the chain wielding morons and not god emperor musk

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