**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread





Just gained a shit-ton more respect for DMX.

This was parodied on The Boondocks too

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Creepy af. If I had a raven, I’d name him Quoth.



I think @Trolly @pvn and you missed the point of the video if you are discussing phonology.


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Bold of you to assume I watched it

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Im too old to watch Tiktoks, sry.

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This one is probably worth about 14 seconds or however long it is. Good for a chuckle.

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I just read about the 1902 Martinique eruption. Pretty much the only survivor out 30k people was a prisoner in a windowless underground cell who had no idea what happened until rescuers found him.

At the time there was a hot debate in Congress about a Nicaragua Canal vs. a Panama Canal. One of the selling points of Panama was no volcanoes, unlike Nicaragua. The eruption couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Nicaragua camp.

Isn’t Panama narrower? I feel like that should trump everything else.

I guess Costa Rica wasn’t in the running also?

The primary drawback for Panama was the greater elevation change which required locks. Nicaragua is more flat and has a natural lake for part of the distance.

Interesting. Any idea why Costa Rica was ruled out? Volcanos also?

A ground-hugging cloud of incandescent lava particles suspended by searing turbulent gases moved at hurricane speed down the southwest flank of the volcano

god damn

Didn’t have any advantages I guess.

Too mountainous. No one ever even considered it. Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec - the narrow waist of Mexico - are the only other sites seriously considered afaik.

The Chinese were until very recently trying to build a canal with Nicaragua. But I think they’ve officially abandoned the idea.

In Panama they created an artificial lake that serves as most of the length of the canal the way Nicaragua’s lake would have worked.

When you drive through all of Central America and then hit Panama it’s impossible to overstate the impact. It’s like driving from small town Mississippi into Miami. It’s crazy to think if that had been Nicaragua instead that got the US canal. The whole region would be turned upside down from how it went in the 20th century.

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Can you elaborate on this a little? Presumably Nicaragua gets richer and Panama is poorer. What else is different?

Edit: OK, the stuff you edited in helps.

Yeah crossing from Honduras into Nicaragua made Honduras look rich. People got dropped off and picked up at the border in Honduras with Tuk Tuks. In Nicaragua it was bicycle rickshaws or whatever you call them. And then Nicaragua to Costa Rica is like Honduras to America.

You see horses pulling wagons filled with dead sticks through the center of town - like some kind of Russian peasant scene.

A lot of that is Nicaragua taking the path to socialist revolution that actually succeeded - something which would never have happened in a million years if the US was running a canal through there. I think the Sandanistas started out ok. But the country is a disaster under dictator-for-life Ortega now.

Meanwhile Panama had always been a political basket case and would just be a backwater at the end of the road. The stretch of road from Panama City to Yaviza (the literal end of the Pan-Am highway) gives a pretty good preview I think of what Panama would be like without the canal - a sleepy backwater.

But then again - that part of Panama isn’t environmentally destroyed - which Nicaragua would be by a canal. Lake Ometepe is supposed to be a jewel (I never got to see it). It would turn into a sea lane.

Panama is a gigantic mismash of cultures and races from people all over the world who came to build the canal and stayed. The Canal just changes everything. They get over $1M for the supermax ships to cross. No one else in Central America has anything like that income coming in to mostly govt coffers.

But Nicaragua has an incredible literary and intellectual tradition, which I think is why the people I met were so cynical about everything. They’re sophisticated enough to know they’re getting screwed. There’s a saying - “Nicaragua, where cork sinks and lead floats.”