**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

To clarify, are there any pornographic videos?


have seen several people who have gotten serious infections after having fat sucked out of their stomach and injected into their butt/hips.

My ex was a stripper and a lot of them got it from unlicensed boot leg surgeons in mexicoand it often did not go well


Iā€™ve strangely seen more ā€˜went to Miamiā€™ā€¦

Although now that I think about it, maybe they were lying. Never did check what clinic it was because I didnā€™t care.

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In the unlikely event this wasnā€™t posted anwhere else, hereā€™s something thatā€™s good for a chuckle at least.

Fuck if I know. I ainā€™t no plastic surgeon. Iā€™ve just seen them get infected later. I donā€™t see the ones that go well

If youā€™re really interested, hereā€™s an article that is quite detailed.

Clffs are that it starts to shrink a bit no matter what you do but generally doesnā€™t disappear completely. People are trying to figure out ways to have more of it last longer. Your question is not addressed (i.e. if someone after the fat transfer starts eating at a caloric deficit), but I assume if someone eats a lot less, they will just lose fat as they typically would and some of it would be the transferred fat.

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Fixed it for you. Use www.twitter.com links instead of mobile.twitter.com if you want them to embed. But with that, you only have to paste the links directly without any special formatting. The software here takes care of the rest for your.

Iā€™m not totally sure, but when I paste:


it embeds as


So maybe just delete the ā€œmobileā€ ?

I looked up the Cernovich tweet to see if he was getting any pushback. The douche limits his replies to only people he follows.

On my phone, I use the twitter app to view tweets. Use the three connected circles to share, select ā€œcopy linkā€, and paste into the post box on the forum.

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Thank God for teacherā€™s bias!



the K used to be pronounced and just stuck in writing for some reason after being dropped in speech

Writing things down preserves them and the written language changes much more slowly than spoken language.

Iā€™m trying to say knickknack without silencing the Ks and realise why they dropped them :slight_smile:




Why did Micky mouseā€™s helicopter crash? Because it Disneyland

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Is St. Vincent about to be turned into another Montserrat?


A local donut shopā€¦ there is so much to cringe at here. Also, masks in the county are mandatory.