**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

How can one human encapsulate so much stupid!


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Same feelings for me but I’ve never been a drug experimenter kind of person. I wouldn’t walk through a forest picking and eating mushrooms if you paid me $10,000


I won’t even eat random mushrooms from the grocery store without significant internet research first.

his preferred treatment for sea animal stings is vinegar, but he did not have any on him at the time.

Idk, man. If you have a preferred treatment for this maybe you’re the asshole.


Our mum used to treat our mouth ulcers with tincture of iodine, which burned like hell. Do people still do that?



Devil: Uh, yeaaah. That means it’s good stuff! The burning is probably the alcohol in the solution. I personally prefer Listerine.



The field we picked out of was a well established cow pasture. The caps we were looking for were the only ones there.

You would sometimes run in to other pickers.

Remember to always thump the caps before you pick!


It just occurred to me that the Republican Party would definitely have supported the crucifixion of Jesus, lol. Law and Order! I think I want to make “Jesus was no angel” t-shirts now.



A brown-skinned Jew giving out free health care, saying give your money to the poor and be nice to foreigners, telling his followers not to arm themselves, whipping grifters out of the temple, opposing capital punishment, and exposing the hypocrisy of the religious establishment? Yeah, doesn’t quite sound like their kinda guy.

On the other hand, he hung out with hookers frequently, so maybe he’s not all bad.


It’s nice that he knows he has to explain to his viewers where Canada is.

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What are you yikesing? From persepective of the octopus? Yikes, that’s an orange! ?

What do they think an octopus wants with an orange anyway?

eta: Prolly a tangerine.

The acid from the orange is no doubt good for when that thing bites you.

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Ok so you still die but with the orange juice it doesn’t sting so much.

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I thought of “blue ringed” poison thingy from Australia, but then I thought that was a jellyfish.

People seem to love picking those things up. There have been several cases of tourists holding them. Somehow none of them got bitten.