**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Yeah, what Iā€™m talking about is totally different from that stuff. Looks like ketchup but has a spicy and a bit of sweet taste to it. If you go to a McDonalds in parts of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia for sure), it will be the default condiment. You have to specifically request ketchup. I learned this lesson the hard way.

My problem with it was the hint of sweetness. If it was just like a straight up spicy ketchup, Iā€™d have been all over it.


However, putting ketchup on a good portion of the menu items would be criminal.

Yes - that would be disgusting.

I might be a child when it come to this. But Iā€™m all in when it comes to ketchup on hot dogs, fries, and hamburgers. That being said ketchup when it comes to steak, or mac and cheese wtf?

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Did you ever eat lunch at a public school? Meatloaf is not an uncommon item there (or at least it was back in the day).

Standard meatloaf leaves much to be desired. But there are recipes out there for fancier meatloaves developed by creative chefs that are actually pretty great. There are a couple in the rotation at Chez Melkerson. Itā€™s probably a 3-4 times per year thing we have.

Fries are fine. Iā€™ll look the other way on burgers. Hot dogs on the other hand is not good.

That puts you just a hair above the ketchup on steak folk. And if you were from Chicago, theyā€™d consider you worse.

I donā€™t even fucking care. I will die on this mount

Chicago people swear this is a hot dog

and swear it is ruined by ketchup


I donā€™t care call me a child but give me a hot dog with a single line of ketchup and I am happy. That looks like a monstrosity


They think it ruins a plain one too.

Substitute your line of ketchup with a line of mustard and youā€™ve got a fine hot dog.

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Not sure this is true but posting bc Unstuck.



I donā€™t recall eating it at school. We moved around a lot and did some different things at different schools, but I brought lunch more than bought it. I remember most schools seemed to have pizza days and I would be sure to buy on those days, but normally it was something in my Welcome Back Kotter lunch box and later brown bag.

School lunch was the majority of my meatloaf experience growing up.

Does anyone remember school lunch peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? They had a peculiar texture/taste and to this day I donā€™t know why. Bugs me.

Due to its spread in popularity during the Great Depression, I associate meatloaf with poverty and the working class.

Thereā€™s a Jewish form of meatloaf called klops. Most cultures that eat meat probably have a form of meatloaf.

Iā€™m from Chicago and also put ketchup and also put ketchup on my dogs! plus a little mustard

For the Chicago style dogs they really need to work on the ratios. The pickles are way too big. Youā€™ve gotta get a jumbo dog to get the meat:veggie ratio even close to correct. And chop up the damn sport peppers ahead of time so I donā€™t have to figure out how to chomp through the pepper in each bite and possibly risk pepper juice in the eye. But still a pretty damn good dog!


I donā€™t do it, but I know some people consider ketchup a breakfast standard to be used on scrambled eggs and maybe some form of breakfast potatoes.

As someone who just defended ketchup on hot dogs and hamburgersā€¦

Yeah noā€¦

But do you know people who do?

No. Butā€¦I have used ketchup on poorly done breakfast potatoes that they might as well have been considered french fries. But good breakfast potatoes no.

But there has been some macabre radio commercial in Kentucky playing for a while

ā€œMy boy was always like me. I put ketchup on my eggs. My boy put ketchup his eggs. I didnā€™t buckle up. He didnā€™t buckle up. Now nothing will ever be the same. So please buckle upā€

Iā€™ve had scrambled egg sandwiches with ketchup. I think itā€™s a very white trash thing.

Also, Chicago style hotdogs are great.