I phone the shop themselves and ask for a delivery, it’s the way I’ve done it for years, I don’t see the sence in downloading an App to do this, if it’s a takeaway that does not provide its own delivery service then Id phone another.
Edit: + when your know the descend places to eat from around the city it pissed me off that the App basically gave away all my spots, now there always buzy.
I have this weird anxiety about talking to strangers on the phone. When I was a teen, it would sometimes take me 15 minutes and several aborted attempts where I would dial the first few numbers then hang up when my parents asked me to order a pizza.
I like online ordering. The lack of ambiguity or risk of being misheard is nice. A lot of times, I am ordering online for pickup rather than delivery.
I have a friend whose restaurant has a proprietary online ordering system, but when local restaurants directly link to EatStreet on their website, that doesn’t seem to be as problematic as some of the predatory behavior of food delivery platforms that I have seen reported.
Meh. It’s not like the entire world is going to be watching live. And anyone can film themselves doing the funniest thing to ever be done. If it’s that funny it won’t take long for it to be seen by the rest of the world.
There’s still time. I’ve always hated talking on the phone, but a thousand terrible text conversations and no one ever reading emails has gotten me to embrace phone calls a little bit.
Having to phone a customer when there App alert has not brought them out is the worst, family can be OK but even then I prefer face to face, never used the phone as a teenager lol.
I bloody hate phoning people I don’t know. I’ve put off phoning the management of where our parking space is for weeks, even though it’s now down to 50/50 the door clicker works (despite the amazing tin foil ‘fix’ I did).
Hopefully admitting it here will make me call tomorrow. Doubt it.
Phone anxiety is super normal and nothing to be ashamed of.
However, talking on the phone remains a very useful life skill even in 2021, and something most adults should be able to manage without all the complaining.
Her six pack is fine. That’s in the realm of normal things that appear on physically fit people. It’s her huge butt and thighs that look like she has implants there that looks off-putting, especially in combination with the six pack. If that’s all muscle and not implants or some other form of cosmetic surgery, props, I guess, but it sure doesn’t look like it. I don’t think it’s especially laudable for someone to use cosmetic surgery to achieve body proportions that are unachievable to any people who are only using diet and exercise to achieve the body shape they want.