**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Yeah well… someone who’s never used Excel in earnest sounding off about Microsoft is the lol thing.

There are tools that will outperform it or offer greater depth of functionality in specific areas but as a good all-round tool it’s hard to beat.

Back in the late 80’s I wrote a program in Excel macros (pre-VBA) to re-format csv files with data for a hospital catalogue so that it would import into a page layout app (Quark) with the correct style for each line, with manual intervention only needed for pagination, that took 2 weeks off production time.

Now they want me to shine this laser on the nanowires as I take pictures of them. Seems safe.



“Just keep the power below 70 and it’ll be safe” they say. OK, then.





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Second pic is probably too obscure: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose


That’s what a grad student making nanowires said to me. And, this is the funny part, that’s what they said about asbestos.


I would have though, if I could afford it. But even then, Microsoft’s licensing bullshit pisses me off. Google Sheets is good enough most of the time.




Aws management console says HELLO!


This! Literally everything about it appears almost calculated to frustrate and enrage. I sometimes think they did it deliberately as a filter to identify the most susceptible Apple partisans. Heavy itunes user = they’ll buy anything with an apple on it.

The nerdiest porn category ever

Compile your python and thrust it into my USB!





Not looking to start a whole thing but when it comes to UI design

Apple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>something written by first year CS student>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft.

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Apple did take some getting used to as a PC user for 25 years prior but I do enjoy it now.

The genius of Excel is that they managed to make the experience of using it exactly painful enough that people are able, barely, to get things done, but the process of getting there is so difficult that users develop an irrational Stockholm Syndrome attachment to the program in an effort to give their suffering some kind of meaning. “Do you want to write a complex computer program, but in a way that’s impossible to test, debug, maintain or explain to someone else, using an IDE that’s significantly less powerful than Notepad? You’re in luck…”


Hey baby, let’s put my public key into your known_hosts so I can ssh the shit out of you

Eta: I know that’s not how it works

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Is a one-button mouse still standard with Apple? Because if so, lmao.

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This is the thing that took time to get used to.

Gotta get used to different right clicks or just attach a USB mouse to an adapter.

I’m just an iPad iPhone user.