**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I mean, I did it in a major city in America. Would be surprised if Glasgow was more violent.

Stop living in the past. :smiley:

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The gang and turf wars make Glasgow one of the least safe cities in all of Europe and most especially within the United Kingdom. The homicide rate is 5.1 murders per 100,000 people, making it unsafe for people during any time of the year.

Unfortunately our city is rife with drug/Taxi/Club/Pub wars and its a warring city where violence is just around the corner, giving it the name No mean City from years ago, alough it has somewhat been reduced by the CCTV and active policing it has started to rise again as the drug wars continue.

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We have fallen a lot in recent years tbh, its gotten 100x better here than in 2,000 tbh

 Its a place not to be noticed as someone will approach you if acting out, always.

Sure, but USA average is 5.0 murders per 100k in 2018, and I think that’s gone up. City I worked in was more than 5x that rate at the time.

 But we don’t have guns, so that must be taken into account

Even though Glasgow has a reputation for being “the most violent area in the UK,” Bourdain is a huge fan of the city: "From my very first time, it was Glasgow, my favorite city in Scotland, one of my favorite cities on Earth."11 May 2015
www.eater.com â€ș parts-unknown-sc

‘Parts Unknown’ Scotland: Just the One-Liners - Eater

Take an hour, it’s a good episode :sweat_smile:

So you’re saying if I’m in Glascow and in the mood for a scrap it shouldn’t be difficult to find one.

I did uber/lyft during college. It is great if you work day shifts, horrible if you work nights. Uber passengers are worse than lyft passengers, at least in my area.

Overall though people pretty nice, with a few nightmare exceptions.

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This is exactly the shit that was going on in Central America through the 90s.

In the Philippines Duterte used killing drug dealers to break the seal, then moved on to activists.

I always wonder how they’re going to try to break the seal in the US to be able to work their way up to political murders - gang bangers, Muslims, drug users, homeless, mentally ill? I guess Antifa is perfect actually. You can just claim anyone is Antifa, and call the Communist to boot.

You know what the most absurd thing I learned at a young age in this city is that alough we’ll fight like dogs, we will also take you straight to the hospital after it
 Its a tradition. :grinning:

yeah I never did closing time stuff. Would usually stop around 10pm or so.

The seal has already been broken, imo. The history of murdering labor and leftist activists in the US is fairly extensive. Currently, the murdering of BIPOC activists kind of flies under the mainstream radar.

I remember reading Malcolm Gladwell’s analysis of why Appalachian “hillbillies” have the reputation of being suspicious, dangerous and unable to forgive a slight.

Basically, he said, because they’re Scottish and had ancestors who needed to be ruthless while eking out a living as shepherds.

I heard this story too and tbh it sounds like us
 What got me started today was an article I read in the papers about our old accident & emergency department

I got a bit defensive wrt just how tough it is here, but in all honesty it’s because of the lack of money in and around 50% of our city.

Maybe that explains the line “I wanna be a shepherd” in Goodwill Hunting. And Jules’ diner speech in Pulp Fiction. And Jesus. Don’t fuck with the shepherd.

When have we had mass political murders like Central America - mutilated bodies showing up in the streets daily to send a message? Or The Philippines - everyone magically “resisting arrest”?

I’m not saying it’s never happened. But at least for now it’s not close to the same level of mass state killing of dissidents in the US - now or in the recent past.

I take this shit very seriously because I can definitely see a path where we could get there.

That’s surprising that leaders of the BIPOC movement in the US are being murdered (by the government, I assume, is the implication).

I wouldn’t expect something like that to fly under the radar, given the current media saturation of BLM. A google perusal didn’t reveal anything significant. Are you saying that BIPOC leaders in the US have been killed en masse by the US government and it has not been publicized or are you referring to protests that have escalated and resulted in deaths of BIPOC leaders? And which leaders have been murdered/killed?

Do any of you bros or broettes have a good, recent study on wage gap between men and women. I remember seeing someone post one on 22 which showed that after correcting for everything, there was still a small gap. I was having a discussion with someone and the material in that (or similar) articles would be useful.