**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Right. And In the UK every government for as long as I can remember was opposed by the majority of voters.

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I’m not French and have very little background, but the two things I know about Charlie Hebdo are publishing a cartoon of Muhammad to troll Muslims and now this. Are they just a weird reactionary right wing paper?

Being provocative for the sake of being provocative is the impression I get.


The creatures outside looked from progressive to monarchist, and from monarchist to progressive, and from progressive to monarchist again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.

They come out of a tradition of humour that’s anti establishment and deliberately offensive first, prior to any left or right politics. If you have schoolboy French check Hara-Kiri, which was the magazine that started it in the 60s and 70s. Though not if you’re easily offended, as it will offend you.

They are definitely left wing, but they maintain their culture of being perfectly happy to just provoke, offend and annoy people they think are dicks.

This particular subject is probably made ‘worse’ because French society is quite racist (for a Western democracy), but in almost complete denial of that. It’s still common to believe the French Republic is completely colour/ethnicity neutral.


I’m all for cartoons and drawings lampooning the royals, but Private Eye consistently do it without demeaning anyone else.

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Lol at how they darkened her and accentuated her black features. Jfc.

Yeah, this is one thing that passes without comment here, but looks (correctly) awful. They’ll just say it’s exaggerated charicature, as if the history of white people drawing black people doesn’t exist. Though I’d be somewhat surprised if the issue is even raised here in France.

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This is a good piece from a good cartoonist where he discusses how he tries to do his job without reinforcing racist tropes.

Good advice but a little late.


No worries I didn’t think you were trying to dismiss anything, I just was reminded of the article by your post.

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In my experience, even smart, intelligent people who think logically are subject to groupthink and all sorts of bias.

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What happens if I become an Uber driver, have my best friend who people have described as “scary” and a “serial killer”-- he’s a teddy bear but he’s black and 350 lbs-- create mayhem in my Uber, start a Gofundme, then refuse to press charges? I get got for fraud like that couple plus homeless guy in New England?

Just move to Glasgow, that will happen on you’re 1st Saturday night shift… :+1: No need to fake it here as its a nightly occurance.


You need to put multiple cameras in car and get that sweet, sweet Gofundme money from American suckers.

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A cartoonist could have satirically drawn her comparing herself to other Black victims without insulting or demeaning other Black people.

Of course, just making that comparison is still pretty fucking racist.

Really? Drove for Uber for a bit and it was pretty positive experience overall.

Did you do it in the most violent city in Europe?