**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

hahahaha get rekt

Sucks to be treated like a black person doesn’t it Karen?

The video’s kind of fun to watch, while she’s being handcuffed she says “this is police brutality!” and multiple people in line at the bank say “no it isn’t”. Also as the cop closes the door on her and shuts off the camera you can hear him say “Jesus Chri-” under his breath.

They missed a trick there - they could have gone with a stuffed crust using the worlds most expensive sausage.

at a quoted ÂŁ37 each they could have added not only ~$100 but also a real step up in sophistication.


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What if we adjust the clock by 30 minutes and keep it halfway between standard and daylight savings time?

Still doesn’t mitigate the issue of variant day lengths. The real problem here is our insistence on living in the same place throughout the year. Let me propose a new nomadism - take the latitude L of wherever you are living on the autumnal equinox and move 111L/182.5 kilometers south each day (or north if you live down under) for six months and then reverse course. This way, you minimize the variance of day length without having to occasionally adjust your clock. We also would all get to have a big party at the equator together twice per year.



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They’ve had the harshest border closure policies in the country. While other states would update closures as of midnight, WA would do shit like change quarantine policies while people were flying to Perth, so when they took off the border would be open and when they landed their choices would be enforced quarantine for 14 days or buy a ticket and fuck off back home. This was very popular in WA, where the #1 issue is always telling the rest of the country to go fuck themselves, and the Premier’s approval rating is at Bush after 9/11 levels. They didn’t need to campaign on anything. I wouldn’t say they’ve been a very left wing government though.

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Hard to say because the status quo is so different and public opinion constrains the Overton window. Australia already has basic universal healthcare and a minimum wage over $15 USD/hr. Campaigning against either of these things would be suicide so it’s hard to know what the hearts desire of conservatives would be if that were not true.

Edit: theyre to his right environmentally and probably on immigration and it’s hard to think of an issue where they’re to his left unless forced there by public opinion, so…

That’s saying something, I guess. After all, Biden doesn’t too seem in too big a rush to get the kids out of the cages.


How did you deal with all the bankrupt hospitals and businesses that had to lay off all their workers?


Hello MauMau,

We at ChiefsPlanet would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Chiefsplanet sends me birthday wishes too!


Yes, he does.

I think we’re defining rush differently.

Your post implied he doesn’t care. I also don’t think it’s a snap your fingers logistical issue.

That wasn’t the intent. So, to be explicit, I would say that he doesn’t care as much as a progressive does.

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Coming back to the original post, this is a very good example for one of the problems with democracy or maybe even politics in general.
The majority is against switching back and forth, but the two alternatives are mutually exclusive and even less popular.
So you end up with a status quo hated by the majority and some of them (I am not talking about the people in this thread, but people I see post on social media about this twice a year) are too stupid to realize what the problem is and are getting fed up with „lazy incompetent“ politicians.

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