**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread




I can’t stop watching this


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That man bun is a form of violence.

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It makes for funny memes but this tech is just gonna get better and deep fakes will be standard propaganda unless social media companies police it. They’re the bulwark LOOOL WAAF

ah yes this would be a lot easier than just hitting a button on your clock

yeah that’s some downmarket shit, if you’re going to spend that then get the Hermes


No matter how you slice it, in our northern areas, you’re not going to get a full 9-5 of daylight every day in the winter. Starting work in the dark doesn’t suck appreciably more than coming home from work in the dark. Picking one and sticking to it is far less painful than the few days you need to properly adjust. And it’s much worse if you have young kids with no understanding of or respect for clocks. You’re expected to switch, but they just don’t for a week or more.

Yeah. When this kind of thing was first being discussed as maybe plausible (like 15-20 years ago) I just assumed that people would compensate by becoming far more skeptical of media generally. Now, I’m pretty sure most people will just become suckers for whatever they’re inclined to already believe or suspect, or whatever’s even implicitly congruent with it. I underestimated the vig on believing a certain claim where doing so offers validation, apparently.

Oh yeah I mean bad faith drives out good. We think we live in bubbles now, haha.

The real tedium & aggravation will come from the ‘experts’ on the internet who will know what’s real or fake on account of the pixels, and then explain at great length and max stupidity.

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Mark McGowan has been returned as WA Premier for another four years after an unprecedented landslide victory for Labor and an historic crushing wipeout defeat for the Liberal party.

WA Liberal leader Zak Kirkup became the first major party leader in the state to lose his seat in 88 years to cap off a disastrous night for the opposition.

The extent of the defeat would mean the Liberals are left without party status which means it would not qualify for important Parliamentary resources.

Nine political editor Chris Uhlmann called the defeat an ‘extinction level event’ for the state Liberal party.

You hate to see it.


Also before anyone asks why this is happening, I have absolutely no idea. WA is the Texas of Australia and was an important stronghold for the Liberals at the last federal election. Onerous taxes on sand dunes? Insufficient zeal in murdering East Coast elitists who want to tell WA what to do? The quality of prostitutes in Kalgoorlie? Should blowflies get the vote? I can imagine these all might have been pivotal issues.


Last post was a grinch but I see you answered it. That’s wild.

They crushed covid too right? What did the left campaign on?

Would you say their conservatives are more or less conservative than Joe Biden?

It was not until the late 1970s and through their period out of power federally in the 1980s that the party came to be influenced by what was known as the “New Right”—a conservative liberal group who advocated market deregulation, privatisation of public utilities, reductions in the size of government programs and tax cuts.

Problem with daylight savings is that the hour long switch is too much at once. Hard to adjust. My plan is to move the clock 20 seconds every day.

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She’s outraged the entire time she resists arrest that no one helps her.

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