**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The sort of spectroscopy analysis they were doing is a chem eng problem. It’s not biochem just because you put blood in it.

You say 700 MILLION like it’s a huge number but the lab blood testing market is 70 billion annually. If Theranos captured like a tenth of that they would be valued in the tens of billions. The valuation reached 10 billion before the company collapsed. The state of the science was and is “theoretically possible but with immense technical challenges”. They had a chem eng guy telling them he thought it could be done. I think everyone investing understood that the tech was an underdog to ever make it to market, but the potential returns were huge. You can definitely argue that it was foolishly optimistic, but it wasn’t purely a scam idea. The company was a scam because Holmes kept reporting that things were going great and good progress was being made when they weren’t and it wasn’t. That’s the main story.


At no point in any of this do any of the investor bros have a few k to hire a consultant? If you wanted a 1 million grant from NIH, it would have to pass at least two review panels with actual experts in the field and none of them would give a flying fuck if you had a fancy Stanford engineer on your board.

If everyone is just playing lotto with millions and millions in investor money, they’ve really been begging to get robbed blind by a scam artist. I can’t even get mad at Elizabeth Holmes, this is borderline entrapment.

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Fuck that guy, btw. His grandson worked there and figured out it was a scam, told him, and got excommunicated from the family.

California just passed a ballot measure in 2020 that authorizes the state legislature to end day light savings time. Just like legalizing weed, we aren’t the first, but it’s a hell of a lot of early inertia to ending it nationwide.

I don’t understand why people hate changing their clocks, it’s TWO TIMES A YEAR, you freaking snowflakes, and shit, most clocks automatically adjust

if you don’t have standard and daylight time, you’ll either have it being dark until like 11:00am in the winter or you’ll waste daylight in the summer when the sun comes up at 3:00am.

changing the clocks twice a year is a perfectly cromulent plan, way better than not doing it


I don’t live in Anchorage.

Got my Bumble settlement check today. $36. What should I spend it on?

Maybe businesses should have different summer and winter hours.

A bit late but RIP Russ Martin. A local shock jock I grew up listening to

It’s super shitty to force everybody to play stupid clock games because a minority can’t figure out how to just get up earlier without them. Also lots of people die every Spring as a result.

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Even the smartest supposedly most rational people in the world are susceptible to groupthink, motivated reasoning and all kinds of other internal biases.

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Arizona hasn’t done daylight savings time since 1967.* It’s very doable.

Literally the only downside is coordinating with other states, i.e., “are we 2 hours behind New York right now or 3?”

It’s nice not to have radical changes in sunset/sundown times, I never liked that growing up.

(*Navajo res excluded)


Can’t Stop Watching


Looooool utter horseshit

Getting rid of daylight savings was pretty much the only time I ever agreed with Trump. Shame he didn’t push it further. Could have been one good thing from his presidency.

Random good news: there’s an election in the state of Western Australia today and the conservative Liberal Party are getting fucking annihilated. Their leader conceded the election before polling day. They might win as few as 2 seats in a 59 seat assembly.





Swarm of cops outside my place right now, seemingly a clean-up crew found a suspect device by the river about 150 feet from my front door. Cordon set up on the street. Will let you know if anything explosive happens lol.

ETA seems it’s a hand grenade.


Today I learnt Germany used to have radioactive toothpaste.

aliens would get a bigger kick out of the comedic stylings of interstellar