**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

@Trolly this woman is truly the GOAT scammer



pretty sure thatā€™s an orange is the new black episode

In early 2019, Holmes became engaged to William ā€œBillyā€ Evans, a 27-year-old heir to the Evans Hotel Group.[103] In mid-2019, Holmes and Evans married in a private ceremony.[104][105] The couple lives in San Francisco.[103]

haha wow, thereā€™s always a horny failson somewhere who will fall for her grift.

Shout out to the Stanford biology professor that was like ā€œthatā€™s scientifically impossibleā€ about 6 hours after this scammer started her scam company.

I listened to maybe the first half of the audiobook of Bad Blood. The detail that stuck in my mind was, you know how when you play Monopoly it often reaches a point where itā€™s obvious someone has won? They control like two thirds of the board and thereā€™s no coming back. Usually people just agree the game is over at that point. Holmes would make her family members play the game out. Just sitting there for another hour tossing dice while she gradually ground them into dust.


But also who just sits there and letā€™s the other person beat them down for an hour without just walking away from the game board?

I used to play monopoly online with 2p2er Klepto in like 2005 for $20-50 a game. We would play as fast as possible and concede as soon as it became obvious the other person won. Probably played 200 games that way and each game would take 10-15 mins.

ā€¦and was completely ignored because she was a woman and a science nerd and not a serious business bro who understands about how to run businesses and investments and shit. Meanwhile, all the serious investment guys threw ungodly amounts of money at Holmes without having the slightest clue how any of her inventions were supposed to work. This dude is going to wind up in a ditch with his organs removed and his dadā€™s money sent to her overseas bank account. Donā€™t stick your dick in a hardcore sociopath, guys.

Iā€™ve seen this movie before:

Lab on a chip designs were pretty common. Anybody working on a practical implementation realized it was hard af. Even to me, in grad school dinking around with a simple microfabricated sensor, it seemed like science fiction.

this sounds like the worst possible way to gamble


It just breaks my brain how much money people threw at Theranos without even the slightest due diligence. The idea would have been shot down in round one by any grant-funding agency on the planet.



Ugh. People are wrong.

Thanks I hate it

Iā€™d be happy to make a donation.

First time Iā€™ve heard the beetus made me do it:

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Idk reading Bad Blood my takeaway was that it wasnā€™t as egregious as I thought. Like rather than ā€œweā€™re going to build a perpetual motion machineā€ it was ā€œweā€™re going to build a quantum computerā€ like theoretically possible but hard AF to get to function correctly and consistently. Then they hit the obvious setbacks and Holmes just lied about them. Like they had a Stanford Professor of Chemical Engineering on board, mentoring Holmes and later joining the board of Theranos:

If youā€™re an investor and that dude is on board telling you the project is legit, doesnā€™t seem super unreasonable to believe it.

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Was his blood sugar spiking because he ate a Twinkie?

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Well heā€™s obviously biased since heā€™s on the board, and also does he even have any biochem background at all? Weā€™re talking like 700 MILLION dollars invested in this project and afaict no one thought to hire an independent consultant to check any of the science out. This is like Wall Street Bets levels of due diligence.