**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

What do you think happens at open casket funerals these days?



Alright Iā€™ll explain a little more where Iā€™m coming from and how it triggered me.

I was seriously dating this girl several years ago. We broke up because she was cheating on me, with at least 1 guy, maybe more. 2.5 months later she comes back to me and she is pregnant and right around the 10 week mark where the abortion pill is no longer viable option.

Even though I couldnā€™t be certain it was mine, I did the right thing and helped her. Paid for the whole thing. I very much did not want an abortion and told her so, I wanted to reconcile things. She wanted it, so I respected that decision and drove her 4 hours to the clinic that same week.

The process was horrible. She took the pills and was in severe pain and I had to nurse her for a day. When she passed the fetus, I just heard screaming in the bathroom. When I went to go look, what I saw was extremely bloody and unpleasant.

It was horrible and I had to clean up the mess. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I canā€™t imagine how it must be for her - we never talked about it ever again. But I still have issues with babies in general, I will not hold them or get near them if I can help it. That post was a lot to handle and genuinely shook me for a day or two.


Iā€™d raise an eyebrow at a photo of an open casket being put on facebook. A miscarried foetus in clothing is straight odd, though it would more tend to make me concerned than angry.


I was just responding to the ā€œmedieval saintsā€ comment.

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what would you even put in an attack deepfake on a republican that they havenā€™t said for real? I guess youā€™d have to go completely normcore and have something like MTG saying that public libraries are a good idea?


The one line it seems that no Republican politician has crossed in the 21st century is public use of the N-word in mixed company.

Obviously, some donā€™t care. But even the biggest Trump-loving racists I know donā€™t feel comfortable saying that. Everything else they have no problem. But something about that word. Itā€™s like so long as you donā€™t use that word, youā€™re not racist.

Iā€™m sure a bunch will rationalize it should one use it. But no doubt a few leave.

They already do this. ā€œBlack people say it to each other all the time!ā€

Deep fakes of Republicans criticizing Trump might be impactful.


You know Russia is going to be way out ahead of everyone with the deep fakes. And theyā€™ll release the perfect one at the exact right time for maximum leverage. WAAF

Republicans will overpay for some hilariously amateur deep fakes.


this wouldnā€™t move the needle at all

Live boy, dead girl.

Let me tell you something about that dead girl.



This was slightly traumatic for me to watch. As a kid I was sweeping out one of our barns and had to open a giant sliding door. It was kind of jammed and so it took a bit of tugging to break free. Once it did all of a sudden something slammed into my head and the next thing I knew I was face down on the concrete watching blood pool in front of me. One of our employees had propped a basketball hoop heā€™d gotten for his kid for Christmas against the door and it fell on my head when I pulled the door loose. It was pretty scary at the time.

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Sorry, I will put a note on itā€¦

My dad was wallpapering the main room in our tenement flat when I was 6 and my job was to put the ripped papers into the black bags, so as he climbed the ladder to attack the 1st section I stood right beside the ladders to catch the falling pieces as he said too.

As was common in tenement houses at the time the ceilings got wallpapered too, so he started on the roof parts and as he ripped the 1st piece dust started to appear and in under 3 seconds we were under a few pounds of plaster and dust after a whole section came down, to this day I still remember that moment of horror.

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Was the ESPN Deportes guy ok? That crash looked pretty violent.

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These fuckers will be sorry when adaptive behavior includes ā€œrip you a new oneā€.



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I must admit, I laughed at that clip so I really hope heā€™s OK. I obviously donā€™t find the impact funny, but the ā€œtranquilo, tranquilo, tranquilo!ā€ part had me laughing pretty good.

Heā€™s fine.



That TV set barely touched him! Taking dives is so prevalent in soccer you got analysts doing it on live tv.


Oh lol, no need. I didnā€™t mean the comment like that. Thanks for considering it, though. Just brought back that memory, it was pretty crazy. Cheers

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