**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Not sure yet I just posted.

I’m not kidding when I say her and her husband, who founded the hiking group, are the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life.

I only posted it as an example of how easily trusting people like that, and I put midwesterners in that group, can be duped.

Yeah, just because organized religion is a disaster doesn’t mean all religious people are deplorable. Like, if someone genuinely takes to heart stuff like love neighbor and we’re all here together in service to a greater good, that person is going to be a good person. There used to be lots of people that used religion as a way to bond with other people in their community and not as a way to justify hating homosexuals or whatever.


Most flat earthers don’t really believe that - they just enjoy trying to find ways around the scientific evidence. It serves no useful purpose to them.

Conspiracy theorists on the other hand…


Lone Star was a fairly popular country band iirc.

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Based on the other bands named I’d bet heavily that the artist was thinking of Texas.

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Poorly channeling dvaut here, but at least part of it is a desire to believe. For whatever reason she wants to believe that Facebook censoring Christian prayers is something that could happen, so there’s just no skepticism when she reads it.

If you guys think that Inn and Out burgers are something special you really need to ry the Black Label Burger at Minetta Tavern. Far superior imo. And brunch waits are rarely as long as 14 hours.



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In n out fries are awesome, but have a half life of 90 seconds. Gotta get them down before they start to cool off.

Yeah, my friend lives over there and texted me that it happened. I was outside playing frisbee with my dog a bit later and the guy came out and admitted it to me.

This reminds me of Checkers’ fries. W/in a certain window they are delicious, but outside that window on either side they are either gross or a physical hazard (if you eat them when they are too hot, they just explode scorching grease through your mouth).

A completely messed up situation happened in my neighborhood over the weekend.

-We had a major ice storm roughly 3 weeks ago with lots of tree damage.
-My wife’s co-worker’s brother does tree removal. We contacted him and he came over Saturday and cleaned all the tree damage we had up.
-My next door neighbor calls on Saturday night and asks about them. She needs 3 trees removed. She asks if they are bonded/insured and I say I have no idea that she should ask them.
-She ends up hiring them to remove the trees. One of the trees falls during removal and falls through the roof of the house on the other side of her causing major damage.
-The tree guys say they will be out in the morning to finish the job/repair the damage. Obviously there is no chance they will be able to repair major damage to the house.
-Today they have not been answering their phone apparently.

I feel horrible about the whole situation and I am not sure what to do about it. I assume insurance will pay for the neighbors damage. But I can’t help but feel responsible for both my neighbor potentially getting ripped off (they already cashed her check paying for the services) and the other neighbor getting their home seriously damaged.

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Obviously you are blameless since you said to ask them about insurance, but that’s the kind of thing a lot of people will forget when they’re looking to blame anyone and everyone for a tree smashing their house.


I don’t think I am legally liable or anything. I feel bad as a neighbor who set this whole chain of events off though. It’s also the kind of thing that can seriously damage relationships with people.

You’re a lawyer, right? Imho, of course you’re not legally liable. Just thinking if they are aholes they may be mad. Of course they shouldn’t blame you at all.

Recommend a good roofer to the neighbor the tree hit.


Go over to the owners of the house that the tree fell on and offer to represent them in litigation against the other neighbor. When life gives you lemon make lemonade. Litigation lemonade.


I guess I should have said that I am certain I am not legally liable. I realize re-reading what I wrote that might have not been clear. My main worries are that I would like to see my neighbors made whole and I do not want a bunch of people we live near pissed off at us.

Taking the polls/poles joke to another level:
