**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

how exactly would secession solve this? lul

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I’ll say that one’s kind of accurate in that they’re clearly deeply upset at the thought of doing something to please a minority.

It would force Hasbro to make a special Mr. Potato Head line just to sell in Dumbfuckistan, obviously.

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I feel like there is going to be a market for buying Mr. Potato Heads with the the idea of keeping them in their boxes in mint condition and selling them to deplorables ten years from now who want their child to have the gendered potato experience.


They will be enraged about something else within 10 hours. They don’t really care about Mr. Potato Head.


Also caused a famine in Ireland. Absolute WOAT tuber AINEC.


This is what happens when you leave your potatoes unguarded.




I don’t think Potato Head should be so vulgar as to allow kids to affix genitals to it’s nether regions, but what about an option for a bulge or some cameltoe?

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what took you so long?

if they want a gendered potato, they could just carve a dildo out of a potato with a child-safe peeler, or a knife like the forefathers had to.

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omg i remember we all wondered what he was talking about at the time, but now i realize he just confused virginia with iowa or idaho. :man_facepalming:

Is feigning outrage over the degendering of the Potato Head family really any worse than stoking that outrage in the first place as a cynical marketing stunt?


The funny thing is, mr. Potato head is still going to be sold. With the mister and everything. They just changed the brand name so it could be inclusive of mrs potatohead as well.

They’re getting upset about something that didn’t even happen.

Very unusual for the typically sane Republican party.


There’s a case to be made that everything being Mister this and Mister that re-inforces sexist attitudes and hence that changes like this can undermine that and so contribute to a good outcome. If you buy that, obviously the outrage is worse.

To be clear though, they’re not ‘degendering the Potato Head family’, they’re just changing the main brand from ‘Mister Potato Head’ to ‘Potato Head’.



speaking of this amazon thing, at least here in Birmingham on Twitch streaming there are anti union amazon ads on every fucking day. They started off just saying its a great place to work but pretty quickly changed to amazon workers who don’t want a union on video expressing their thoughts as to why and they’re all garbage reasons. It ends with someone being like “lets stay a family and vote against the union” lol man just lol


I don’t buy that because a) nobody was asking for this change over a stupid toy, and b) I’m pretty god damn sure Hasbro dgaf about patriarchal gender norms. It’s performative bullshit by all involved. This is our 21st century post-everything world.


Dam… Did it start over there or did our bastard media start it here… or their coordinating their shit.