**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

They don’t have to care about it for it to potentially contribute to something worthwhile. If we stipulate that it does, then like I said, it’s obviously better to do something good for self-interested reasons than to oppose it for whatever reason, self-interested or otherwise.

I’m not a huge proponent of the theory, but I don’t consider it ridiculous, either.

Ahhh perfect for today as I seem to have the swearing bug, did I mention bastards yet.




The amount of anti-union propaganda and the “up is down, down is up” lol logic used is astounding.

What I appreciated about Danny Glover’s comments was his ability to connect today’s struggles with what has happened historically.

Part of capitalist propaganda is to convince us that our individual conditions are a product of personal rather than systemic forces, and that low wages or job insecurity are a result of personal failures rather than being the planned and desired outcome of a system created to by the wealthy and for the benefit of the wealthy. AlwaysHasBeen-Astronaut.jpeg

If people see their own condition as a personal failure and are embarrassed by it, then they are less likely to be open about it and see that they are not alone. So, another method of approach when speaking with our friends, family, community members, and coworkers is to first ask them what they don’t like about their working environment, and then connect their insight and understanding of their lived reality with marxist critiques, socialist & worker controlled alternatives, and labor solidarity.



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Twitch, the company owned by Amazon, is sorry and has no idea how these political ads were allowed to play, it was just an “accident”



There’s a lot the lefties and I disagree on but we 100% agree on the need for strong unions, both for their membership and broader society. $15/h was originally an SEIU thing before Bernie picked it up and is now mainstream D policy. Normally I would say doubling the min wage is nuts, but they have nearly got it done.

The problem is by the time they do $15 it should probably be $20-25. Every time they raise the minimum wage it is about 10-20 years behind. It constantly lags behind every kind of income metric you can think of.


That’s a recent phenomenon, there used to be bipartisan support for keeping pace with inflation.

It’s always good to find common ground.

I’m curious as to where you feel you diverge from agreement with lefties the most?

What comes to mind is the general shitting on capitalism and their occasional foray into anti-democratic policy.

I appreciate your candidness. That is an interesting combination of critiques as IMO capitalism is anti-democratic at it’s core. Which is in part why I see shitting on capitalism to be well deserved and a good thing from my perspective.

What is an example of shitting on capitalism that you feel is unjustified or uncalled for?

What is an example of an anti-democratic policy that you see from the left?


For anti-democratic, some of the norm busting stuff they see as appropriate to advance their goals, like ignoring laws to implement changes by executive action.

Funniest thing ever just happened to me

I message this woman super into music asking for recommendations

She accidentally sends me a link to a sex toy

She clarifies she was anti recommending it to a friend


The context isn’t important.


I’m writing about the 1981 massacre at El Mozote in El Salvador right now - a site I visited on my trip. I want to make it out as this incomprehensibly tragic thing, and it is.

But the more I research about it and think about it the more I come to the conclusion that ALL war is terrible for civilians. Every single guerrilla war in history seems to have large-scale slaughter of villagers. And then you have bombings and stuff like the fire-bombing of Tokyo. Does it really matter that much if a civilian is dead from a bomb, a fire, or a soldier’s bayonet? And there always has to be an element of whipping your own soldiers into a frenzy against the enemy to the point they’re willing to kill civilians.

This happened just last year:

I’m sure similar stuff is happening in Yemen right now. The whole thing has thrown me into a deep very uncreative funk.


I’m not much of a historian but isn’t it the case that war’s horrific effects on civilians are a relatively new thing? Like armies used to meet “on the field of battle” and civilians weren’t generally wholesale massacred. Now you might as well just point your nukes directly at city-centers rather than at military installations for all the difference it would make.

These were the symbolic battles. Typically civilians made up the army and often those back home were subjugated, raped or killed along with those who died in the St. Crispin’s Day type battles.

Most of the civilian deaths though would come from famine related to supporting the troops.

It was basically never good to be a civilian on the losing side.

Interestingly the very division between soldier and civilian in pretty recent.


Burning crops and villages was a routine part of medieval warfare.


Serfs were property and part of the spoils of victory.

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I have ornithophobia (fear of birds). Not all kinds. Just the aggressive kinds. That’s nightmare fuel.

Also I’m sure there’s a joke somewhere about how a cock fight enthusiast got killed by getting hit in the … well, you know.