**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread



My cat ran away from birds too.

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Mailman strikes me as all of the exercise of golf without any of the excitement of golf.

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One of the better courses I ever took was a “Global issues” requirement. The course was called “Genocide after WW2.”

We went a lot into studying a few of the major genocides (there were several) and analyzed causes and warning signs, and went a lot into prevention. This was in the first few months of the trump presidency, so we didn’t really know what to expect then, but I remember the professor predicting a LOT of the shit that happened in the following years, and warned us that we could see a genocide perpetuated by the US government.

Strictly speaking - the family separation and all the other horrible shit we’ve been doing on the border fulfills the legal definition of genocide. And that’s just the stuff we know about.


I’ve been reading about Guatemala. That shit was going on until 1996, right under our noses. And of course we engineered it in the first place.

But man, nobody thinks about yeah there was still genocide going on a few 100 miles from the US while Friends was launching it’s 3rd season.

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I learned about a ton of genocides I hadn’t heard about or knew very little about. I was left with the impression that they happen about every few years across the world. The most recent one, I believe, was against the Rohingya in Myanmar, which is still ongoing.

We are very much in a bubble in the US. We as a society would rather not hear about this stuff, so it gets buried in the 7th page of the newspaper in a few paragraphs.

Uygurs genocide is ongoing too. Yazidi genocide by ISIL is very recent. Both Kashmiri hindus and muslims have been targets of recent and ongoing genocide.

the world is horrible


The odd phenomenon of people wanting to save the buildings businesses are in because of their memories of frequenting the business, even when the business wants to get rid of the building. This one example is a building that just looks terrible

By nominating Taix as a cultural historic monument, the neighborhood heritage group aimed to save the building, and therefore the business. But according to the restaurant’s owner, Mike Taix, it was already too late. Many of the “significant” architectural details cited by the historians, like pressed-tin ceilings, were not original, Taix revealed, but had been added by Taix himself over the last 25 years. “Our business revenues cannot continue to support the overhead associated with our megasized, grossly energy-inefficient, outdated building — the infrastructure is terrible — and the property on which it’s located,” he said. In fact — and here’s the twist — it was Taix’s own idea to remake the site into a new, large, mixed-use development, with housing on top and room for a smaller, more profitable restaurant on the ground floor.

Dozens of longtime patrons vehemently disagreed with this strategy, showing up to the meeting to chastise and sometimes outright shame the business owner for his decision. “I understand that it’s a business and people want to make money,” one such patron said. “But this is taking away part of our soul.” Another equated the demolition of a 1962 restaurant to “burning down old-growth forest.” The superficiality of the building itself was not lost on L.A.’s cultural commissioners — “That brick is glued onto the wall,” said commissioner Richard Barron, adding “It’s not architecture as we want to consider architecture. It’s Disneyland” —

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I guess I saw this picture here, so I got my mother to make me one. Hopefully one day I’ll have the whole set.

Because the bad boy look is for pussies.


Meanwhile in Redondo Beach they tear down really cool old houses with character and yards to put up cube fortress mcmansions that come right up to the property line and you can’t even tell if anyone’s home or not.

They don’t want to save the business. They want to avoid the poors increased density

i’m pretty involved in local politics and don’t get me started on the nimby’s. any time we have new housing built, the residents will get up and arms about “traffic” (traffic is seriously not an issue in this city) and all these stupid arguments that are trying to desperately mask the fact that they don’t want to live near apartment dwellers (read: hispanic people).

jfc, it’s 100x stupider in context. They should raze the whole damn area.

If you set out to develop the worst urban environment possible you still wouldn’t come up with anything as terrible as LA.

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leftist allies power rankings:

woke middle class white people: x
college professors: xx
juggalos: xxXxx420xxXxx


This probably belongs in the baseball thread, but it’s such a cool story I figured I’d put it here so more people would see it. I found out one of my bosses wrote to Hank Aaron during the summer of 1973, when Hank was chasing the home run record. My boss is Jewish and he has always had a big heart and concern for people who face discrimination, so he wrote a letter expressing his support for Hank and wishing him well. Hank wrote him a personal letter back thanking him, and it’s hanging in my boss’s office:


Sounds like a swell guy

But my boss had a rage problem. And it was largely directed at women. He hated his assistant. It became so bad he literally stopped speaking to her. If she was walking his way, he’d turn the corner. He refused to acknowledge his own assistant in any way shape or form, except to yell at her in front of everyone. I spoke with him multiple times about the situation as it was untenable. He wasn’t capable of managing his own schedule or workload so having an assistant he couldn’t work with was a disaster. He refused to fire her or allow me to do it for him. He tortured her until she quit. The day she left we had coffee and she told me her stomach never stopped hurting.

There were a handful of editors, all men, who had carte blanche to walk into my boss’s office at any time, even with the most trivial of matters. But when I needed to see him for business crucial to the magazine, he’d yell at me. Loudly, and with rage. It wasn’t that I was doing anything differently than the men who wanted to see him, it’s just that he was comfortable yelling at me. I noticed he did the same thing to another woman who was on the digital side. Every time he yelled I’d shrug it off, smile feebly to anyone who was in earshot and carry on. I’d make a joke. Brush it off. It’s no big deal, I’d say, all the while working extra hard behind the scenes to adapt and find ways to get what I needed out of my boss without tripping his rage wire. I performed a tightrope walk every day to do my job and keep the respect of the staff I managed despite being publicly yelled at or shut out of meetings by our boss.





I can’t find a legit story behind this image, but it claims to be a taxidermy piece that was discovered in a french mansion that had been sealed for 100 years.

I tried googling to figure out wtf is actually going on here and was hoping to find a real story about it, but it’s just the same caption/image with no other info. Probably fake, but god damn do I want one.

ETA: Found it! https://www.nts.org.uk/stories/a-ribbiting-display