**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I’m at the point of being completely over winter. I don’t really mind seasons, but 4 months of cold, darkness, and wind is too much. I would like to move to a beach if I can get my employer to let me work remotely.


I hear you. I actually don’t mind winter because I am perfectly happy to read a book on the sofa or watch hockey. But my dog gets better exercise in the spring to fall months so its a bit sad to see her putter around the house all money.

I don’t mind that for like 2 months or so, but when it gets to February / March I just want some sunshine and warmth. It definitely doesn’t help that a tropical getaway is out of the question.

Yeah same. I love my rural community where I live but the winters are looooooong. First snow is the end of November / early December. Snow usually clears early April. But last year we had a snowstorm in May.

I hear you man. We have been throwing around the idea of moving somewhere warm or doing the snowbird thing for a while. We would really like to do Hawaii but my wife travels regularly for work so that would make every flight like 10-14 hours which would suck. She works from home when she isn’t traveling (even pre Covid) so she’s good there. I have to be on site to do my job but I could also just quit and work at a golf course or some other random job, she makes so much more money than I do that the lost income wouldn’t make much of a difference.

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There is a catholic antifa now who are running amok with this cancel culture


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It’s absolutely freezing here today, can’t heat the house up yet… Came home earlyish and forgot my timer goes down at 4pm…:sob:

I hate the cold too, might go back and sit in the car until the rooms heat up :grimacing:




New ContraPoints!!!

eta: haven’t watched it all yet.

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A whole episode on J.K. Rowling? Jeez, I wait for contrapoints, but I very much doubt I get through this one. I could not possibly care less about JKR one way or the other.

Seems to use JK Rowling as a starting point to discuss transphobia in general. So far anyway.

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2x speed works

I liked her videos back when they topped out at like 25 minutes.

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Did you miss a decimal point in there? Because 150 seconds is just about the maximum amount of time I’ll spend on a uToob.


This has to be a joke right

The YouTube bashing is fun and all, but what does this mean? You can find just about any kind of talk or lecture on YT. Does this mean you’ll never listen to anyone lecture/talk about anything for more than 150 seconds?

Not never, but it is extremely rare. If somebody wants to present information to me they really need to write that shit down. Most people aren’t very interesting speakers and I have neither the time nor patience to listen to them prattle on.


PIVOT TO VIDEO though. She’s pretty good at sprinkling in gags so it’s at least in part about finding her engaging, but like I say, she gets about 25 minutes’ worth of engagement out of me. 90+, nuh-uh.

I can understand zz’s desire to read rather than listen. Granted youtube has conspiracy vids, and RWNJs, and other stupid shit. But there are also videos on how to do/make/create just about anything you could possibly want. Additionally, there are lectures and presentations by academics and experts in their fields.

For example, here is the entire in classroom lecture series for Prof Robert Sapolsky’s Stanford University class on Human Behavioral Biology. He’s better than any science educator I’ve ever had for in-person instruction. I binged this series faster than I watch HBO shows. I feel that anyone who enjoys listening to podcasts could just as easily listen to these lectures.


Zikzak and I completely agree on something. Lock it up!