**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

blaming poverty on the poor person’s individual failings isn’t just a (bad) moral position, it’s scientifically unjustifiable


Honestly kind of amazed cp hasn’t banned me yet.

On conspiracy theories

Student: Most Czechs don’t believe in conspiracy theories…unless you consider racism a conspiracy theory.

Solid gold comment. Had to stop class for a short time because of how much I was laughing.


This is a pretty sharp insight, honestly.

I thought we were against sexist posts on UP?


Zoomers are really smart. I’m just blown away with how much more they know than I did at their age.

Then again, the school I teach at does not have easy entrance exams.

In the moment, I didn’t think about how deep racism is in conspiracy theories. Now I look back on how insightful it was even if it was intended to be a joke.

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The real insight there is that the same psychological fallacies and lazy anti intellectual attitudes drive people to irrational beliefs in racist narratives, conspiracy theories, and the obvious overlaps between the two (“Jews have a secret cabal that rules the world” and similar nonsense).

To put a finer point on it, racism is often portrayed as a moral wrong (i.e. you shouldn’t be racist because it’s evil) instead of an intellectual wrong (you shouldn’t be racist because its factually stupid). Of course both are true, but i think in the public discourse we steer away from arguments on the intellectual merit of racism because it gives the racists a veneer of respectability.


Please show me a post where I said “why do women lie.” Your post was making derogatory remarks against all members of a group based on their gender.

It’s also super lazy thinking to claim a whole group exhibits the same trait.

I’m also not claiming that you are a bad person or that you are “insecure in your femininity” only that your post is sexist.

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Why do men lie? And I don’t mean something like try to not get caught when cheating or try to get promotion or lie to not hurt someone. All such things I understand. But they don’t get anything good out of it: neither money, nor women, nor less stress in their lives but they still do it. I have never seen a woman lie without any reasons. I could always understand the logic behind. And on top men do it with stuff that you don’t even need to try hard to see that it is a lie. It just happens and it is always obvious from the beginning that it will come out.

If you didn’t mean “all men” when you said the above I apologize. But when you don’t put a limiter on a collective noun like “men” I tend to think you mean everyone in the group, not just the members of the group that do what you’re saying they do.

I’m a man, calling me a liar is derogatory.

I’m not jbro, my name is kerowo, I’m not interested in your history with him.

Your edited statement is fine, you should have started with that.

Come on buddy


This is a good post. Racism is super illogical, but frequently gets all these shapiro-esque “logical” rationalizations pasted on to it. Most racists I wage war with have this smug sense of superiority that they are just looking at hard, uncomfortable truths (like black people are lazy or hispanics are criminals) while the soft liberals ignore the “data” (which is often horribly misinterpreted if not outrightly fabricated).

It really drives me insane.


eh, I do not think your post was that offensive. Men, by and large, do suck a lot. We often don’t realize how scary the world is for women, and a big reason for that is because of men. Like I can go for a walk in my drug addict riddled neighborhood at 1 AM and not really feel uneasy, whereas if you are a woman out alone and at night it’s literally dangerous, almost no matter where you are in the world.

I do think some women do make generalizations about all men, and I don’t think that’s right. I understand what kerowo is saying, but I also understand why even if you were making the point he thought you were making, I wouldn’t blame you for it.

I consider myself a feminist and an ally but I catch myself with misogyny all the fucking time. It is a constant process. Some of the stuff I’ve heard and seen around “dudes just talking dude stuff” is appalling. It is probably why I get along better with women in general, i just can’t handle that toxic male shit.

If women ruled the world, I have no doubt it would be a better place.


I think it’s honestly just a language issue. “Why do men lie?” just sounds like you’re saying that men lie all the time. It comes across like, “why is water wet?” Where being wet is an obvious feature of water.

I think it’s clear you meant, “when men lie, what are their reasons?” And that’s obviously a way to interpret your sentence too, I just think it’s not the way it would be ever asked.

(My formal grammar knowledge is poor so my explanation isn’t great. But I know I read the sentence initally exactly as kerowo did, and was surprised as it didn’t seem like something you’d say.)

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You don’t overdo it.

Right. This is a consequence of taking the position that arguing against racist “logic” is bad because it elevates their ideas that deserve no consideration. But I think that, especially in the internet age, a more powerful weapon would be relentless ridicule about how monumentally stupid these people are. When you dont engage them at all they interpret that as meaning they have won an argument.

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Chris Rock on who lies more, men or women.


My mom lies for no good reason all the time. I think she just often thinks of whoever she’s telling the lie to, that the truth is none of their business.


Prove it

The big grievance from chiefsplanet is that they can’t buy ammo anywhere, which is obv because of Biden’s secret plan to confiscate guns and not because every MAGA dickslap has been stockpiling ammo like they do every time a Dem gets elected.


This is exactly the strategy I use when engaging them. it is a losing battle to try to debunk their logic, because as soon as you do, they just come back with another one for you to waste your time on.