**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Insurance is the most fucked up business model. You pay for a service for years and as soon as you have the gaul to use the service you are roundly punished.


I wouldnā€™t necessarily expect that this is true in the USA just because this is how it works in Australia. This could easily change by jurisdiction.

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So, a little bored with the post-Trump era I poked around chiefsplanet to see what the fuss is and found this in the discussion for who is the best POTUS in US history: (Trump is tied for first btw)

I can only speak for what Iā€™ve lived through because history is manipulated by the media/Jews/elites but trump hands down. Reagan was good but every president between him and trump has been dog shit.

Nice forum there @suzzer99 @Trolly

That might actually be temp-banworthy on CP.

Before I look Iā€™m going to guess the poster is GloryDayz. Could also be ninerfan11, CarlosCarson88, thereā€™s another 88 username guy. LiveSteam is gone I think. Same with ActiveShooter. Maybe vailpass but heā€™s toned down the racism for a few years.

Hmmm - Camaro. Not much history from that poster. Probably a previously banned user.

I reported it but the mods hate me and also know Iā€™m bet-banned from the DC subforum.

If you want schadenfreude, the Qanon and Kraaken threads are pretty entertaining, also the one saying Trump would be inaugurated on the 20th.

I did make an account there for the purpose of trolling, but I insist on posting some actual football stuff before delving into the political stuff and I havenā€™t been motivated to learn enough about the Chiefs to do it.

they are playing the bills this weekend. godspeed.

Yeah please donā€™t go and just purely troll. They already think Iā€™ve directed brigades of posters to do battle with them in the DC forum. I do enjoy the Lounge somewhat and have made some connections there. Also I posted my whole trip there which might be a modest source of traction for my book.

But if you do go - USE A DIFFERENT USERNAME NEVER LET ME KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I do not want to know. Cannot emphasize that enough. My official story is that Trolly and SnopesHammer are the only active posters over there I know I brought over. Iā€™d like to keep it that way. And Hammer is a legit Chiefs fan.

To be fair, I also invited them to 22 but only a couple of liberals came over to check it out. They just arenā€™t curious people. Itā€™s Broncos / Chiefs to them. Libtards vs. Good guys. 100% identity politics. Why would they want to hang out in the Broncos clubhouse? Makes no sense to them.

I really donā€™t understand why you hang out in a place like that if not to troll. Thatā€™s what I assumed you were doing this entire time. You genuinely like hanging out there? That perplexes me. Are you just a massive KC fan or something? I canā€™t stand the company of morons and racists even less so. But that venn diagram is basically a circle.

I hang out in plenty of deplorable zones but my intent is mostly to troll and entertain myself by letting out some steam. I would never inflict that part of me on people here, lol.

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Dude how have you been on this forum and 22 for so long and have no idea Iā€™m a gigantic Chiefs fan? Iā€™m like the second biggest homer in SE next to Dominic. I talk about Kansas City all the time.

The Lounge is actually mostly reasonable people. Itā€™s the DC (politics) subforum thatā€™s a cesspool - largely because the owner and most of the mods are deplorable. I was on the forum for a couple of years before I poked my head in DC and immediately regretted it.

Itā€™s by far the biggest KC Chiefs forum and has the most knowledgeable posters. Arrowhead Pride is good but they only do specific threads - they donā€™t really have much of a forum.

I was cast out of SE years ago and it was made very clear to me that posters there really didnā€™t like me, so I only popped in about once a year to gloat about the dodgers or sweat the nba finals. I also donā€™t really care about football or sports in general.

Coincidentally, and this is a spicy hot take fueled by 1.5 bud light platinums so I apologize, but I found a lot of the posters in SE to be terrible at not just posting but life in general. I believe most of the people from 22 that still actively dislike me are from there. Iā€™m not entirely certain what I did. I think I got in a huge tiff with one of the super-regs like 10-12 years ago. It just seemed like anyone who I ever collided with is from there. But I will admit I really did fly off the handle a lot back then.

I guess I understand continuing to post there if you feel a sense of community. I felt that over at 22, but it was lost a long time ago. After the migration there was no point to stick around. All the cool people came here.

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I would bet you I could get banned for this well within a week

Dude in his state heā€™s going to come back here and tell us about it and then I have to know 3 active posters. Which sucks. That forum doesnā€™t mean a ton to me, but itā€™s not nothing. I donā€™t want to destroy my name there.

lol relax man Iā€™m not gonna do anything, I wouldnā€™t do something like that to you. Plus Iā€™m too lazy. I have a simpsons draft Iā€™m supposed to be doing right now.

Thanks. They do get pretty fussy about new posters who go straight to politics. Especially if itā€™s a liberal troll. You have to establish a little cred first like NBZ is talking about. Itā€™s a bit of work. Right-wing morons can go straight to politics and everyone assumes itā€™s a banned poster.

donā€™t talk to me like I havenā€™t infiltrated a deplorable group before! I am offended and appalled.

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So what you are saying is go in as a right winger and either play the part of a RINO or alt righter and put the wedge in furtherā€¦

Something like those damn RINOā€™s blocked bill after bill on election security so they could get trump out of office!

Dr House is the leading expert on this IMO.


For reasons of status probably, in the cases youā€™re talking about.

Taking the online world as an example, there are a few guys who I doubt have the qualifications they claim to have, but Iā€™ve never found myself doubting the women who claim to have similar qualifications. Thatā€™s one big area of difference in lying between the sexes.

But women do lie of course, just not so much about things that confer status or prestige because many men are fixated on their perceived position on the totem pole.

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Iā€™ve just remembered one egregious example from a decade or two ago that really surprised me.

A group of us had been out to watch a football game in a roughish pub before heading somewhere for a home-cooked Christmas dinner. Things with another group became stupidly heated about football rivalry which I and another of our group ignored by playing pool, but it escalated into small time physicality between two or three people and only ended when the barmaid rang the police, a cue for us to leave. N, one of our group, realised a tooth crown had come out, so went back into the pub but failed to find it.

The next day N sent an email to a large group of friends claiming he had lost his crown on the tube home when he ā€œmanfullyā€ ( I still remember the word he used) wrestled a man to the ground who had been pestering a woman on the train lol.

The fact that three people he included as recipients had been in the pub with him and knew exactly how he lost his crown didnā€™t seem to deter him, which I found really odd. I mean, if youā€™re going to lie at least make it believable.

I lost a lot of respect for him after that but I guess maybe a few of the 15 or so others on the email chain gained it, I donā€™t know.