**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Clovis should lend you money to get solar.


Twitter knows me so well.

NFL and Football? Amazing AI guys.

Maybe they just want to make sure you don’t miss out on any scorching Premier League takes.


I used to see ))) all the time on Stars when the Russians started playing in big numbers, which I thought was just a type of smile emoji.

I don’t remember ever seeing ((( )))


I also use Kiva. It’s probably not going to end world poverty, but it’s an easy and engaging way to do a little good. My wife and I tend to take turns doling out our funds as they come back in.

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Just to add to the pointless factoids, in Portuguese “lol” is “kkkkkkkk”. Probably the more "k"s the more intense the laughing.

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All our Russian friends/enemy’s in my online game send you a) when they smash our stronghold.)))))))

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Never heard of Kiva before but I’m interested. How do you choose the people you send money to? Do you like to focus on a specific region or category of person or just kind of browse the front page and pick something?

You can sort by country, what they want the loan for, etc. I tend to be sympathetic towards broke farmers wanting to get off the ground with a few chickens or goats or whatever more than current shop owners who just want to expand, but you can pick and choose from a lot of available options.

How is this not in crayon?



The tweet says it’s about Twitter, but I think there’s much more to the analogy.



Good lord, there is a congressman named Madison? End times

Maddy Caw-caw’s probably going to be my main target for making fun of Republicans over the next couple of years. I find him more hateable than Ted Cruz.

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He also likes hitlers vacation house a lot. He doesn’t call him hitler though, he likes to say the fuhrer


Do we have any insurance bros here, specifically auto insurance? My wife and I had both of our vehicles stolen in November and later recovered with significant damage. Insurance came through and paid the claim.

Today I got a letter informing me our coverage will be cancelled March 1st due to the claims. I’m raging. I haven’t been able to find anything online saying that theft is a valid reason to cancel our policy, but I’ve definitely found plenty of articles telling me I can expect to pay significantly more in the future because of the cancellation.

Any advice appreciated before I freak out on my agent.

I’ve had a policy canceled on me because they found out I was an Uber driver, and my rates did not go up. But I am by no means an expert

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The same thing happened to me 5 or so years ago. Theft is considered an “at fault” claim unless the perpetrators are caught because there’s nobody to recover damages from. Did they write the cars off? My car was never found and my partner’s was found with enough damage that they wrote it off.

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Timberlake’s singing about this thread rn


I don’t know much about auto insurance but there’s a difference between “cancellation” and “non-renewal”. If they are cancelling you effective 3/1 then they owe you any outstanding premium you may have already paid them. If your policy normally ended on 3/1 then they’re saying they won’t offer you a new policy. In either case it’s very likely there’s something in your policy that says they can do either one, but it sounds like they’re non-renewing you since they’re giving you until 3/1. If they were canceling, they’d likely do it much sooner. Only advice would be to make sure you get a policy in place for 3/1 and forward as other insurers like to see that you’ve been continually insured.

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I understand that but it’s literally the only claim we’ve ever made on the policy. Both vehicles were close to being totaled but were not totaled. I appreciate the responses :pray: