**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

i hope you are keeping the logs for firewood etc

When you can’t decide between kimchi and sauerkraut, there’s this:

It’s pretty good, but honestly just tastes like kimchi.



This reminds me of the cat that grew up with only horses so it walks like a horse.


The same way Jimmy Savile had a talent for rape and pedophilia.

But he’s just a flawed individual, right? /s



I kinda want to click to see how a judge can forbid someone from having their children tested, but I don’t want to click because I am 99.999999% sure it will send me into supermonkeytilt

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It’s pretty scant on details. I was expecting juvenile criminal judge, but he’s a family law judge. Complained from the bench about mothers using Covid as an excuse to deny the dad custody time (strange that he specifically called out mothers here, huh)

It doesn’t say why he ordered these specific parents to not get their kids covid tests without court approval, but he did, and then threatened to hold mom in contempt when their pediatrician ordered a test anyway. My best guess would be parents quibbling over “if you want to take Billy for a week, you need to test him at the beginning and end” because parents argue over all kinds of wild shit in custody cases. But who knows, the judge sounds like an absolute piece of shit.

I grew up in New Hampshire which was the last state to recognize Martin Luther King Day - prior to that it was Civil Rights Day, and schools were always in session that day - at least mine always was.

My high school threw out the normal school day schedule on Civil Rights Day, each teacher would do a special lesson that day - something related to Civil Rights - a topic list would be distributed and kids could go to whatever ones they were interested in, instead of their normal class.

I remember one year, a History teacher I really liked had his Native American nephew come in and the planned talk was about how hurtful and harmful names and logos like the Washington Redskins or Cleveland Indians were. I remember going to that and planning to argue with him, “The names honor them!” or whatever dumbass 16 year old privileged white kid view I had. Instead the guy completely convinced me that I was wrong, they were awful and needed to be changed. 24 or so years later and those names are being changed. Hopefully I’m less of a dumbass, too. Change takes too long but it does come.


TIL clear cola was (allegedly) invented by Field Marshal Zhukov of the USSR.

As Coca-Cola was regarded in the Soviet Union as a symbol of American imperialism,[2] Zhukov was apparently reluctant to be photographed or reported as consuming such a product.

According to journalist Tom Standage (albeit without corroborating sources), Zhukov later asked whether Coca-Cola could be manufactured and packaged to resemble vodka.[3]

Print the legend, I say.

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LOL the soviets and their soda. Well I guess it was just Russia by then but still

They also paid Pepsi in Submarines because their money wasn’t accepted around the world and Pepsi briefly had the 6th strongest navy in the world.

In the late 1980s, Russia’s initial agreement to serve Pepsi in their country was about to expire, but this time, their vodka wasn’t going to be enough to cover the cost.

So, the Russians did what any country would do in desperate times: They traded Pepsi a fleet of subs and boats for a whole lot of soda. The new agreement included 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer.


What happens if Pepsi keeps all the ships and just starts sinking Coca Cola imports in international waters? Does the US attack them?


I think they just arrest them, unless Pepsi move their HQ on to one of the boats.

Let the market decide!




Please give us a review and/or get this over to the kind folks at I Don’t Even Own A Television asap

Grunching and not sure where this should go but:

This guy Navalny seems like an absolute badass. But I don’t understand why he wouldn’t wait until Biden is inaugurated to return to Russia. Obviously doesn’t guarantee his safety but seems like it would give him a much better chance at avoiding the worst outcomes.

Also not saying this should have been his first consideration or anything, just seems like he could have waited three days.

Where do you think I stole the image from? IDEOAT Funtime Party Pit, FTW.

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navalny’s return to russia can only be safe if there is a lot of public attention, and if he is not sentenced to something in absentia, at his hearing on the 29th. i wouldn’t fly back under those circumstances, but navalny has obviously this thought through more fully than me. i think flying before the inauguration protects him somewhat. putin will not want russian diplomats to start packing bags at 12:01pm on the 20th. flying in after, american news cycles may be moving on fully to vaccines and national debt.

still i do think acting quickly is correct here. it takes away time from putin to pull some sort of crazy ivan move, which he has done in the past, but usually after taking all the time in the world first. the panic of diverting a plane, and doing an emergency court hearing at the police station just shows what a clown show russia is right now