**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread



Oh, right. Duh.

I retract my previous comment.

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Monkeys prefer grapes apparently. Over cucumber apparently.

So fucking human.

Has Mahomes ever turned down an endorsement deal?

Itā€™s 85 degreeā€™s in socal right now. Is this normal for the middle of winter? I canā€™t remember

Not normal. The high in SD was 88 a couple days ago, which was the highest on that date in 100 years.

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Iā€™m pro minwage, but not pro student loan forgiveness (I am pro cap on payments based on income + ~20yrs eliminated). I think they are 100% very different things.

I do not earn minwage, and I have student loans fwiw

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Depending upon where in San Diego county it was the highest in the past 50-100 years.


Seems like our long brutal winter usually ends about Jan 15th every year.

This winter has been very mild as far as I can tell from the few times I left the house. Not a lot of snow either.

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I like cucumbers. Theyā€™re like eating pepper slices that were soaked in cucumber water.

tzatziki motherfuckers

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Now thatā€™s a deep cut



Is this an actual experiment someone did or just an example you made up. Nothing wrong with latter, if thatā€™s what it is, since it gets the point across. Iā€™m just curious.

Scroll up.

Weird. When I responded your post showed up as the last in the thread. Looks like thatā€™s been cleared up.

when life gives you cabbage, make sauerkraut.

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