**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

You can probably make a list for any year if you are willing to go across 3-4 genres.



I think Heinlein solved the Kill your Grandparent paradox by inventing the multi-verse, I’m not sure if that is what he called it, in Number of the Beast where there are 6(6)(6), six to the sixth, to the sixth parallel universes. Great book for a teenager, probably didn’t age very well. I think the current thinking is that time travel is like a Git repo; if you make a change in the past you’ve started a new branch and there isn’t a way to merge anything back to main.

Can add the British secret services to the list of those involved in his murder too, apparently the MI6 head of station there bragged about organising it a few years later.


I always think the “wait until they raise the prices” argument is silly because if Taco Bell could charge 30 dollars for a Burrito they would obviously already be doing so. Like, the whole idea that companies are voluntarily forgoing extra profits because of the low wages of their employees is just oatmeal brain shit.

Taco Bell has some version of the laffer curve with the axes being “price per taco” and “how many tacos we sell”, and they zero in on the sweet spot in a given market to maximize profits. Employee wages are basically irrelevant to that calculation, except to the extent that a bunch of low wage workers with extra cash in their pockets might change the curve.



‘Talented but flawed’ lol.


I mean, he did murder someone.

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He has a talent for murder, you have to give him that.


You’re kind of right but also kind of wrong. If cost of production goes up all kinds of stuff happens, including some competitors exiting the market so the curve you describe of price vs. sales moves when you do stuff like increase wages. But the whole point is that these dynamics are very hard to predict with pure theory and so its better to go to the empirical record. And the empirical record is crystal clear - minimum wage hikes never have the catastrophic impact that cons and neolibs predict.

The flawed tag might have sufficed back in the day when he was merely threatening musicians with guns, but not so much since.



And now it is!



Hooking up solar power is already my business. I don’t know why it has taken him four years. There are two big utilities in Southern California, with one it usually takes about a week after you’re done to get permission to turn on if you’ve done everything right, maybe another week if you need a correction. With the other it usually takes about a month. I have been involved in systems that took several months because they included car chargers and/or storage. LADWP sorta sucks at this and I’ve heard horror stories, but still, at four years, he’s probably trying to do something they don’t normally allow and/or his installation company has totally dropped the ball several times.

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If you give two monkeys cabbage, both monkeys are happy. If you give one monkey grapes and the other cabbage, the cabbage monkey will go ballistic and start throwing the cabbage back at you.

Just got to convince people they’re the cabbage monkey - even if they aren’t.

What’s wrong with cabbage?

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It was cucumber, not cabbage and there was nothing wrong with it, it was just that grapes are better.

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Cucumber makes more sense. You can turn cabbage into delicious things like sauerkraut and kimchi. Only way you can improve a cucumber is to drench it in blue cheese dressing.

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