**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

There was so many right wing stories about how every Seattle business would go out of business and absolute fucking crickets since.



I think a lot of people who oppose higher minimum wages just like to feel superior to other people. For some reason they feel their trade is worth so much more than a minimum wage employee and the higher pay makes them feel better about themselves. Sadly itā€™s lost on them that the main reasons many trades have higher pay is simply due to strong unions.


not really even close.

They would literally rather hurt themselves than see a benefit go to someone they think should be lower than them on the totem pole.


I think if you did ever figure out time travel, figuring out how to place yourself in the exact same spot on earth might be even harder.

The earth is rotating, revolving around the sun, our solar system is revolving around the galaxy which is flying through space. Thereā€™s no reason why going back in time would automatically orient you with respect to a certain longitude and latitude on earth. Time doesnā€™t care about the earth.

I could see a lot of initial mistakes where you go back in time and wind up in outer space or the center of the earth. OOPS

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How much mescal have we had today?


That was your first mistake.



I guess on second thought it sounds more like weed than mescal.

Itā€™s in some ways quite schlocky and objectionable, but John Carpenterā€™s Prince of Darkness might be the only film Iā€™ve ever seen address this issue. Maybe there are others, canā€™t think of any. Probably Primer, that seemed to have everything locked down.

Any production ready time traveling devices would have compensators built in for spatial travel as well.


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ā€œThe most expensive Taco bell burritoā€ is a terrible metric. They have lots of specialty burritos. Go by the cheapest burrito compared by minimum wage areas. $1 here 9.25 minimum wage

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Do we even know how fast the galaxy is moving relative to the rest of the universe? And how fast the universe is expanding? Thatā€™s why I was saying - could also be an impossible problem.

But then again we have no working theory of how traveling back in time would work. So itā€™s all academic. I guess wormhole where you leave then come back and find the earth again.

Traveling forward in time is easy - just zip around the solar system in a spaceship doing .5 the speed of light or whatever. So at least in that case yourā€™e constantly have a reference point to the earth.

In science fiction all that loss of precision over distances is just hand waved away by super-quantum-CRC codes, but in reality I donā€™t know if the kind of precision needed is possible with the noise in the system. It may be that any practical time travel would have sever limitations based on predictability and precision of the calculations. Seems like itā€™d be pretty easy for something to get out of calibration pretty easily somewhen where there isnā€™t the technology to re-calibrate it.

It makes you start thinking about how one could just appear in the past. What happened to the molecules that were formally occupying that space - even if just air? Are they part of you now? A slight miscalculation and your foot remateralizes inside a bunch of concrete - which seems bad.

And of course the big question - is there a copy of younger you running around?


Mrs. C looking pretty fine here. I waited on her once long after the show was over when I worked at a Macaroni Grill near the dinner theater. She was very sweet and could have been my mother in another life. Which I realize was a very weird two sentences to put together.

Also waited on Frank Burns and Don Knotts. Maybe some others I canā€™t remember.

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Traveling through time ainā€™t like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculationsā€¦

But before we worry about that maybe we should figure out if time is even a thing.