**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


this ffs


Did anyone have stomach issues on Wellbutrin? It’s been gurgly since I started taking it. I ate some brie and salami last night with about 4 shots of mescal, then barfed it all up. Feel ok today.

Possibly one of the meats wasn’t good - seemed to be chunks of meat coming up. I threw all the leftovers away.

must be the wellbutrin


I’ve eaten brie and salami and drank more than that about 50 times after hiking. It’s what I seem to crave. Also warmed pita and yogurt afterward - but it seems very unlikely those caused issues.

The brie was incredibly gooey and “ripe” though. May have been a little too much richness. Also the salami was uncured, which always worries me a bit.

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I have been on wellbutrin for years and never really had problems i could link to the meds. Great drug though.

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When I took it I noticed that I could not drink more then two beers. I would get sick to my stomach and not want to drink alcohol.

Yeah this might be me. Not a bad result.

It has to be cured to be considered salami? If you mean the package says some garbage about no nitrites/nitrates added then it was cured with celery powder which leads to the same chemical action in the meat, it’s just a way for companies to put no nitrates added on the package.

Got it. I just read the package and know it tastes good. Unless it makes me barf.

Love this


This was my memory today on FB. Scam? It says uncured. Their pepperoni is so good either way.

Yeah see how it says no nitrates/nitrites added and then in little print underneath EXCEPT FOR THOSE NATURALLY OCCURRING IN CELERY POWDER?

Foods like that are usually cured with salt and sodium nitrite and or sodium nitrite. Since high levels of nitrates can be bad for you companies started using celery powder so they could slap that no nitrates added label on there and people would think it’s healthier. The thing is celery powder is itself high in nitrates so either way you end up with a similar product.


I eat a lot of cured meats. I’m wondering if maybe I should back off that.

It just sucks that it seems like anything that tastes good is a no no. Only thing allowed is a boring-ass chicken breast with steamed vegetables every night.

God, they always get me with that shit. Labeling in the US is such a joke. It needs to be completely overhauled.

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absolutely, especially if there is any colon cancer in your family. IANAD obviously but I’ve read it’s almost as bad for your cancer risk as smoking.



i’m gonna repost this. thanks.

Having lived a long time on min wage, it is one of my pet issues, along with the environment. It’s funny, california finally did the right thing and raised min wage to $15 several years ago but by the time it is actually $15 (next year) it will need to be like $20. And by the time they raise it to $20 it will need to be $25.

min wage more than anything else lags behind inflation by a lot. It’s the no brainer policy measure that could lift a shitload of people out of poverty and the negative effects are basically NOTHING (in fact, it’s been shown to have positive effects on local economies) but for some reason we just will never do it correctly.

The minimum wage in california should be like $40k/year. Maybe more. Federal - $15, CA - $20-25

Fun fact to go along with this: celery is known to be an allergen for many people (including myself).


Lots of fun trying to avoid it, along with all the other stuff I’m allergic to.


Maybe we need a new thread for this minimum wage shit. ZOMG what will happen? - is never followed by, “Well why don’t we look at all the places that already implemented $15 minimum wage?”

Gonna take a guess that cured meat is just one of the latest “X is bad for you” things where the badness of X is vanishingly small and the science is dubious.

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