**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

getting a will done that’s a little too complicated to do on legal zoom and needs a real lawyer. How much should I expect to pay?

Full estate plan should be $2500 or so unless you’re really rich.

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That includes a trust or just a will?

Not rich, just have a weird situation that requires some precise language. Was quoted 1750 for it w/o a trust, which I don’t think I need yet and won’t for some time.

If you have kids you need a trust, for several reasons. You don’t want the kids getting the money at age 18, you want to pick who gets custody without court intervention, and you need their guardian to have access to your money without dealing with probate.

Your wills should leave everything to each other and then to the trust, assuming you’re married. We paid $2500 for everything, including trust, will, POAs, and living will.


Well damn. No kids yet, but that’s the plan and why I need this. Might as well do it all at once.

Damn. Good move. Ive reconnected and hooked up with most of my exs. I even got back into relationships with two of them and i consider ot amongst the worst mistakes ive ever made.

I cut the last one off despite her trying to contact me which was a great move. Full blown narcissist.

Did you guys know the Prime Minister of Australia disappeared in 1967? Went out for a swim and just vanished. That’s crazy. @ChrisV have you heard of this?

Bill Bryson talks about it at length in his Australia book - In a Sunburned Country. It’s a great read.

Maybe he’s just on an extra long swimabout?


Yeah I’m listening to that now. What a crazy place. Can you imagine like LBJ going for a walk and just disappearing.

His take on cricket on the radio is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.

$1750 is fairish. I wouldn’t bother with a trust and pour over if you’re healthy and do not have kids but plan to, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea either. That could be 2500-3000. If the lawyer doesn’t suck they’ll suggest the right option for you.

I don’t understand why planning to have kids, as opposed to having kids, would necessitate an estate plan, and it could be easier to deal with a kid once he or she exists. You may be working on some faulty assumptions.

I could imagine Trump disappearing

to a country without an extradition treaty.

How long do we wait before making Kamala president if Biden disappears? Is there a protocol for this?

I don’t imagine that modern day presidents have very much time when they are alone, certainly not enough that they could disappear…

There’s a Taco Bell right next to the In-N-Out near me. Since the drive through line is waaaaay longer at In-N-Out, I usually buzz right through Taco Bell and grab a couple Doritos locos tacos for an appetizer as I wait in line at In-N-Out.

Is anyone else blessed with this kind of fortuitous proximity? If so, how so?


I’m not just not sharing every thing here. I appreciate the advice though.

Edit: I’m winning the mega millions tomorrow

lmaooo what

you just fuckin blew my mind dude. i’ve never considered such a thing lol


How close is it to the nearest cardiologist or emergency room?


my coke dealer is just a half block away from the liquor store, so i know what you mean