**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Ok, but how often does he succeed? More often than Trump offs himself with covid? It’s just wild how different our timeline could be based on pure chance.

Giuliani made his name prosecuting the mafia in the 80s in New York and dealing some serious blows to their infrastructure. He was actually quite competent, albeit a narcissist who didn’t find a camera he hated even back then.

Now it’s just pathetic.

how do you write a double t?

  • A
  • B
  • C

0 voters

A or C depending on random chance.

Pretty sure B means serial killer.


Yea all of history is like that though, random chances are a pretty big part of this shitter reality

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Agree with Suzzer. I picked A, but it’s really A or C.

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Cursive as well, though, yeah? Or does USA#1 not do that sort of thing?

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Seems like something a serial killer would say.

I automatically assume anybody who describes themselves as a ‘maker’ is some clown who sucks at making things.


You would think, by shear numbers, a single intelligent republican would get elected but nope.


Are you the one who did a sliding door with the fancy exposed hardware a few years back? I thought that came out well.

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Not that impressive, really. Kennedy was less than 100 yards away from Oswald, not too hard of a shot with a rifle.

We need to ban ambiguous language.

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Just watched part of the Ken Burns FDR documentary on PBS. During the 1932 transition period a gunman got off 5 shots at close range after Roosevelt gave a short speech from his car in Miami. Killed like two people but didn’t hit Roosevelt. The guy wanted to go after Hoover, but he lost and I guess the guy was some kind of deranged anarchist looking for a target.

I’m a firm believer in the lone gunman theory (not that I put any significant time looking into it). In the climate of JFK conspiracy theories, if someone put a bunch of time and effort into a book showing that Oswald was a lone gunman, would that make them a conspiracy theorist?

Giuseppe Zangara was quite the character.

In his confession:
“I have the gun in my hand. I kill kings and presidents first and next all capitalists.”

At sentencing:
“You give me electric chair. I no afraid of that chair! You one of capitalists. You is crook man too. Put me in electric chair. I no care!”

Last words at execution:
“Viva l’Italia! Goodbye to all poor peoples everywhere!.. Push the button! Go ahead, push the button!”

Lol you guys are fuckin wild

My attitudes with some conspiracy theories is that they may have occurred. Doesn’t mean I am 100% sold on it but if facts came to light I wouldn’t necessarily be shocked, so to speak. Especially with some people holding such extreme wealth and power.

I still can’t get over the similarities of RFK and JFK. I will always wonder if they were some kind of patsies or Manchurian Candidates. We had a well-oiled machine for assassinating world leaders at the time.

Oklahoma City seems to have some weird shit too. Probably just covering up for an FBI informant gone rogue and that the FBI could have stopped the bombing but failed.

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that one i think is more them fucking up so hard in waco, ruby ridge, and one other that I forget. That wanted a good clean win and didn’t want to go after the racists that supported him.

There was a book I read on this. Think american terrorist? Been awhile.