**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Are you researching for some kind of mail-in voter fraud?

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I don’t think about these things as much as a good lot of you do. This is mostly because I don’t remember the last time I wrote anything significant by hand.

Interesting fact from Obama’s new book is he just finished paying off his student loans right before becoming president.

Had my interview to try and become French today. It didn’t seem a particularly important part of the process though it’s hard to tell, the interviewer was barely listening to my responses but then that might just be my overall engaging manner. Anyway, thought there may be mild interest in what exactly I was supposed to know.

I got asked whether my friends were French, why I wanted to become French, whether I helped run any local clubs, what the values of the French Republic are and to explain them, what ‘laĂŻcité’ is (the law separating church and state) and who were the presidents of the 5th Republic (since 1958).

The one that completely threw me, and which had me stammering like a moron at the start of, was when she said something like, “talk a bit about the revolution.” Given it’s a massive subject and one I enjoy reading about I hadn’t a clue where to start. Clearly she meant the 1789 one and I decided that beginning with the state of the late C18th French economy was too much, so I just muttered something about the Bastille and ‘la chute de l’Ancien RĂ©gime’.

Je croise les doigts!



That’s one they pretty much always ask, apparently. One of the criteria for becoming French is that you have properly inserted yourself into the life of France, and not just happen to live here.

jfc they really are grand cons.

Good luck.

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I would pay a lot of money to have George Will accuse me of “literary vandalism and bad citizenship.”




America has the metling pot where all nationalities and culture mix together. France is fuck your customs and become French.

Trevor Noah addressed on his show once

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France is you can’t ever really be French unless you’re born there, and white.

It’s what happens when people are brought up to believe they have the best uniculture in the world.

Friendliest French people I ran into when I was in France weren’t born there. Was there for nearly a month in multiple cities and it was always the French people of African descent that I connected with best.

Maybe just a coincidence but I really don’t know.

The man in the French couple here I’ve been friends with for a decade or so is of mixed (Algerian) descent.

They left Paris (where they were both born) because he never felt fully accepted there.

France gets away with a hell of a lot because of its left/radical history, but some of its attitudes are really poor.


So covid-19 wins Time Person of the Year, right?

I mean sure it’s not a person. But nobody has done anything worthy of it because of its existence.

Shit maybe they’ll troll the shit out of Trump by making it Joe Biden.

Fauci all the way.


Way better troll move.

In 2006, Time named “You” as Person of the Year. In 2020, they should name “Everyone But Trump” as Person of the Year.

Someone should also start up an organization for the sole purpose of naming Biden the Michigan Man of the Year and Obama the Michigan Man of the Decade.


Gotta think outside the box with people like them. They know they’re snobby and obnoxious so that won’t hurt them.

Should’ve accused them of being American.

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French cuisine definitely overrated. Had to try andouillette while I was in Lyon because I didn’t have much that was legit French. Wasn’t disgusting but wasn’t worth what I spent on it. And man did it smell terrible.

I visited Paris in early 2001, some friends and I went into a shop that seemed open since the door was unlocked but when we got inside the shopkeeper turned to stare at us.

I stupidly said “are you open?” which was met with a resounding raspberry, so that by the time a friend of mine tried using the French we’d studied for two years by asking “est-ce que vous ouvert?” he only heard back “Non. Non.”