**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I’m not well-versed in Flag Code, but I know that an upside-down US flag is a HUGE offensive deal to some people

it a signal of distress. seems to be coopted for political statements relatively recently. although i am not sure, perhaps same thing happened in 70s and 80s.

I think we’ve learned that substantially all of the allegedly sacred principles in the conservative political movement are, to put it mildly, complete bullshit.


I’m amazed they haven’t all replaced their US flags the the United States of Police thin blue line flag.

I saw some libs fucking with it around this time four years ago. Mostly as like banner pics on social media, lol.

I thought I heard ducks like 2 am but thought I must be imagining it. There was a thunderstorm with hail.

That feeling when a girl you’re into unironically believes in JFK conspiracy theories. Apparently the JFK assassination was a “state-sanctioned sacrifice” in order to drum up support for the Vietnam War.

On a scale of 1 (Bigfoot) to 10 (Flat Earthers), how crazy are JFK conspiracy theorists?

I’ve always meant to read about JFK conspiracies, but my impression is there’s so many that you can probably cover that scale with different versions. E.g. a Google search for ‘JFK assassination aliens’ didn’t disappoint.

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JFK conspiracy theories are definitely more widely accepted than the official story. Lest we all forget, in my lifetime Oliver Stone made a mainstream blockbuster film with A-list actors basically accusing LBJ of murdering JFK, and it was nominated for numerous awards including Best Picture.

I’m the wrong one to run this, as I actually have no idea how it works and I’m pulling my Jew card.

… But, I will participate. Have no idea if we need to figure out a way to keep our internet anonymity or not.

I’ll leave it to you to post something about it.

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There are some really crazy ones but there are also some very interesting ones done by people who have put in thousands of hours of research/investigatory work. It’s a pretty big subject and it’s not crazy to be skeptical about the official government story for something like that.

The Trump administration in 2018 delayed the release of classified JFK report files until at least 2021. It‘s curious what’s in there that still necessitates this secrecy.

Thanks FB. I would like to be of better service to our community, so I am happy to take the lead on this one.

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Check out this book. It makes a pretty clear case that there was only one shooter. I read a bunch of books and this one convinced me (along with the Congressional investigations).

Now was Oswald some kind of patsy or Manchurian candidate…?

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I like the theory that oswald was a single shooter, but the kill shot came from crossfire from a secret service agent


Has anyone heard the theory that the secret service member shot him accidentally from the car following behind?

Edit: he shot my pony


The gun nuts I used to work with got me to doubt Oswald could have gotten off that many rounds at a moving target at that distance with any accuracy. Idk, maybe he was just “lucky”.

It was impressive feat of shooting for sure. But not impossible. Also the angles, the bullets and bullet marks found, the way Kennedy’s head exploded back into the bullet path (which seems counterintuitive) and the audio recordings all line up with a single shooter.

The Congressional investigations did a really thorough job of probing any evidence of a second shooter. And the more you read all the evidence that “doesn’t add up” sounds like standard conspiracy throwing stuff against the wall - half of which contradicts the other half and has no coherent theory, etc.

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I have been watching a bunch of plane crash investigation documentaries. One was about the crash in NY a couple months after 9/11. It featured Giuliani, for obvious reasons. It is very jarring seeing him act like a sane human being!

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It was proved that it could be done i believe and Oswald was not a bad shot.

Like I said above apparently the theory of the secret service shooting him on accident is the newest one and it fits with most of the details. I heard it about it on Last Podcast on the left so take it fwiw but Marcus is pretty thorough in his research these days and he explained it well.