**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Just insist on it. The price difference is literally pennies today and performance differences can be MASSIVE

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Nvme uses the PCI bus and bypasses the SATA controller that was designed for spinning platters.

In a lot of real world conditions you will bottleneck on something else but when you donā€™t, youā€™re looking at 3-5x speed difference

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indeed indeed

3-5x speed difference



Just buy the components and put it together yourself. There is nothing even remotely difficult about it. If you can plug in a lamp and turn a screw driver you can build a pc.


What zik said.

Spending $5k on a PC for gaming is a waste of money when you can buy a beast PC that will run everything on ultra for the next 3 years for half that and then buy something much better than that build with the other half and still have a good PC to give away/sell. You could also save money on the second build by just replacing the mobo/cpu/gpu/ram because everything else will be fine.

That build also has a bunch of shit that you probably donā€™t need:

16 core CPU
8TB SSD - as others have said you want NVME for you main drive and if you really need this much storage space a giant HDD is fine for your videos.
Bluray writer
SD card reader
Thermal paste should come with the CPU cooler
Power cable should be included with some other part unless this is some special UK thing
If you actually need WiFi, you could get a mobo that includes it that might be cheaper and not take up a pci slot

Itā€™s not an owning, but calling someone as they wish to be called is a sign of respect and shared humanity. Republicans will not grant that to their opponents.

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If you can get it to run in your machineā€¦ I gave up after the Crucial scanner that scans my motherboard and figures out what kind of memory I need sent me memory that didnā€™t work. Iā€™m guessing the voltages arenā€™t the same and the MB specs were lying. I rage bought another big desktop with 32G of memory in it. I run my work machine as a HyperV virtual machine and also want to be able to run Minecraftā€¦ it isnā€™t half as much as All-Inā€™s machine but itā€™s only an i9 not a fast Ryzen chip.

Madigan out as speaker of house in Illinois

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I agree but with reservations. It requires some patience to do the research on components and deal with frustration when parts donā€™t fit perfectly or you make a mistake and have to take things apart and put them back together again. I have some background but still managed to screw up a couple things on a system I built last year before I got it together. (Been working great since though!)

Thereā€™s lots of good stuff on youtube. Paulā€™s Hardware is one channel Iā€™d recommend. If you watch a few build videos youā€™ll have a good grasp of the process. With that and the help available here, I think a newb can manage it.

My only experience with this sort of thing is disassembling a laptop to unclog the fan and re-assembling it. It took about 45 minutes, not including research and prep, and was horrendously stressful. Iā€™m fine with paying a premium for convenience, peace of mind and someone to blame if it doesnā€™t work.

Sounds great, but what would the specs be, like what components?

Check out https://www.logicalincrements.com/. There are suggested builds at all different budgets and performance metrics.

Disclaimer: itā€™s my friendā€™s website, but heā€™s a lifelong computer enthusiast and legit genius. Itā€™s also genuinely (imo) the best website for this sort of thing.

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Thatā€™s actually where I put together my current proposed build. The compatibility tiers are insanely useful.

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Gonna tell on myself probably here as being prejudiced, but regardless I canā€™t help but get frustrated by member services people at call centers who donā€™t speak English well. Especially triggering of course when Iā€™m calling to follow up on denied claims and am particularly frustrated just circumstantially and less patient in general.

first the vaccine, now this? biden has truly made america great again


I guess it sort of makes sense that the most logical outlet for heavily processed fake meat is bottom tier fast food joints.

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The fake news media will not recognize that the decision to bring Potatoes back on the Taco Bell Menu was made under the Donald J Trump administration. Sleepy Joe Biden will run out of Trump Accomplishments to steal credit for very fast!


I think itā€™s a positive development that meatless stuff is no longer just for the snooty Whole Foods crowd.

Iā€™ve known vegan stoner bros, there is def a market for meatless Taco Bell.

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Is it really vegetarian when itā€™s made on the same surfaces that meat meals are prepared on?

I dunno if itā€™s end stage liberalism and Iā€™m about to die my hair green, but I have slowly lost my taste for meat over the last few years. Iā€™ll have a little bit, but itā€™s rarely/never the main component of what I am eating. Potato tacos are great. Some vegan hamburgers Iā€™ve had beat the hell out of real hamburgers. Iā€™m sold, give me all the fake shit.

Iā€™m basically their target market I think. Soft-vegetarians that wanna make good/better choices for the environment.