**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

When they can be 30 miles away from each other, it kind of sucks.

Not tragic, just very stupid.

Eh, you’re just soft like people claiming a mask mandate is a soul-crushing burden.

Biggest difference I noticed between you guys and manitoba was you almost seemed to hide your liquor stores, they were so hard to see from the highway or whatever.

Get yourself a Puppers.

I don’t know if it’s still like this now, but 30 years ago in Nova Scotia you had to go to a provincial store to buy beer. The small town I was staying in was far from the nearest place, so of course there was a black market in town where certain locals controlled their own turf and sold beer from their house. I was told this was common in all the small towns that were far from the closest legal place. Conveniently, “our guy” also sold good weed.

Yeah, I lived in PA for a year and never even understood the laws. You have to go to a bar to buy a six pack I think?

NC has really weird laws too. I don’t think bars are really legal but you can have a “private club” and have people sign in when they get there. The liquor stores are run by the government and have the same vibe as like a DMV.

It must differ by area. Where my in-laws live you can buy wine and beer in grocery stores, and booze at non state run liquor stores. (Unless maybe I didn’t notice the liquor store was state run.) They even have Total Wine and other stores like that.

And in one grocery store near them they have beer on tap at a mini bar, and all the shopping carts have beer holders for your pint. Or you can sit at the mini bar and have a couple of pints while your significant other does the shopping. Every time we visit I always offer to run to the grocery store for this or that small thing that we need to pick up…

Looks like these grocery stores with beers on tap are all over the state: Find Your Tap | The Beer Den | Lowes Foods Grocery Stores

While back i found out one of my exes named her kid the same name as me then later on ran into her, her husband and kid…not sure more minutes would of got passed the awkward.


Oh, that’s right, you could buy wine and beer at grocery stores even when I lived there like 15 years ago. And I’m not sure if the ABC stores were the only place to get booze then.

The stupid state laws regarding alcohol suck when you are traveling mostly imo.

Looks like I was wrong about hard booze. That needs to be purchased at a state run place. I guess I didn’t notice the place we would go for hard booze was state run. That is common though in many states. NH is also a state where hard booze has to be purchased at a state run place. They set the damn things up right at rest stops on the interstate!

This seems positively easy compared to finding a place in Utah that will let you watch your bartender pour you a Stone IPA on a Saturday evening.

Sometimes it’s years. When old man microbet gets lonely in his van home we’ll see what’s up.

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When was the last time you tried? Things have changed, a little. No more mini bottles or 3.2 beer.

I was once in Tennessee and this guy was so desperate for wine after the liquor stores were closed that he bought a bottle of Turning Leaf for $40 to take to his room.

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I thought they got rid of the Zion curtain requirement a few years ago.

Watch somebody pour you a beer? Good lord, you might as well be dancing with Lucifer!

yeah exactly

Tennessee only very recently got wine in grocery stores, until a couple of years ago it was in liquor stores only, which were legally required to be closed on sundays. Under that set of laws, liquor stores were also prohibited from selling anything other than alcohol (they couldn’t even sell tonic water, club soda, or margarita mix that didn’t already have the booze in it).

Grocery stores now have wine, and liquor stores are now open on sunday, and can sell pretty much anything.

Any beer above 6% can only be sold in liquor stores.

Liquor stores can only be owned by an individual and each individual can only own one store. There are a few local “chains” where e.g. one location is owned by dad, one by mom, and one by junior.