**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Matty never been to half the states in the country apparently. Or at least tried to buy booze in them.

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Iā€™ve been to a lot of places but very rarely been in a grocery store while traveling. I had to go in tesco once while in London and was a little disoriented.

e.g. I just recently learned that the standard dimentions of a 1/4lb stick of butter are different east and west of the rockies (whole foods got a shipment of the ā€œwrongā€ sticks which lead me to do some digging around).

It can be disorienting at first but you quickly get used to pushing your shopping cart on the left side.


This. There are plenty of other people in the world to be friends with. I never wanted to see exes at all, I mean actively didnā€™t want to see them.

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People aging faster back then is no mystery. Blanda smoked and drank a lot. Sunblock probably has a little to do with the difference too.

You mean the long narrow vs the short stubby?

This is why David Duke is trending on Twitter


oh man, if he overwrote that name in everyoneā€™s collective memory, that would certainly be a nice development.

US state with the stupidest alcohol sales laws is Pennsylvania, by like a lot a lot.

Donā€™t even bother telling me some anecdote about Utah or wherever until youā€™ve tried to buy a case of beer and bottle of vodka on a Sunday in PA.


Idk anything at all about PA but up until very recently you couldnā€™t buy on Sunday in CT. Iā€™d say the package store lobby here is almost as strong as the state employee lobby.

You can now sell on Sunday. But still beer only in grocery stores and mini marts. No beer at gas stations. If you want booze you have to go to a package store. And the rule is still that the same person/entity can only own 3 stores.

Despite all those restrictions you can have an open container as a passenger in a car.

In MO you used to have to drive to Blue Summit, an unincorporated area, to buy beer on Sunday. You could also stop off at the VIP Lounge next door - a trailer home that provided adult massages. Possibly working yourself up to the event at the adult bookstore up the street.

In KS your options were zero I believe. In KS you can still only buy 3.2% beer in grocery stores. For a long time you couldnā€™t use credit cards to buy alcohol in either state.

PA laughs at quaint anecdotes from other states. Give this a skim and lmk how long it takes you to figure out what you need to do to buy a bottle of vodka and a case of beer on a Sunday.

I donā€™t really have much sympathy for people who donā€™t plan ahead and buy their booze on Saturday.

OK, lmk what you need to do to buy a bottle of vodka and a case of beer on a Saturday in Pennsylvania.

In some parts of PA you have to go into a bar to buy a 6 pack or a case. Like they donā€™t sell beer at the store, at all. Itā€™s nuts. (This was about 10 years ago)

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I hear itā€™s like that in Riyahd.

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The answer isnā€™t to go into a state-owned liquor store during appropriate hours?

Ooh, look at Mr. Big Planner over here


Thatā€™ll get you the vodka. A case of beer requires a trip to a different, specially licensed store which may or may not have yet another license to be open on Sundays. Or you can buy a six pack at a bar.

I donā€™t think itā€™s a tragedy that you have to go more than one place.