**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

About 10-14 days per year is enough time to spend in America. Get to see my family and leave before getting bored and wearing out my welcome.


Every time I travel internationally I hate America even more.

There might have been a book written a couple of thousand years ago that went on about three score years and ten.

Depends on where you’re usually going. Maybe it’s just selection bias. You actually gonna travel voluntarily to somewhere you think is likely to be worse?

I thought that kind of travel was a cool when I was younger (e.g., I would have thought visiting North Korea would have been an amazing experience). But I have become much less adventurous as I’ve aged.



What did I just watch

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At first I thought you were jealous, but I just realized…you despise goofyballer.


Congrats to your city - Redondo Beach - which just opened up a small temporary homeless shelter, which was quite an accomplishment given the immense opposition.


Some kind of car salesman I think.

Hopefully it’s not in my backyard.


Anyone here done the 23 and me stuff? Got a kit for Christmas and sent it off, was wondering what other people’s experience was.

I don’t trust what they are going to do with my daters.

Don’t worry. If any of your relatives submit their DNA then 23 and Me already has most of your daters.


Did ancestryDNA and it’s cool seeing everyone you’re even kind of related to pop up, but the ethnicity estimates will change every few months, sometimes by large amounts. For instance, sometimes I’m 25% German, other times I’m 0% German.

Did 23 and me and they couldn’t pull anything useful from my sample through two attempts so





I never really got “thirsty” or “thicc” which made me feel old. Now both seem to have come and gone, which makes me feel even older. But at least I don’t have to keep reading them and being slightly confused.

The current one I don’t get is black guys calling things nice. It seems to have a very different meaning.

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thicc is gone? i was just catching on. i haven’t even heard the nice thing yet. so at least you’re cooler than i am.

well it took me until today to figure out that E-dems and E-reps meant establishment sooo you’re not alone

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