**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The difference in life expectancy between when the first boomer turned 40 and when the first millenial turned 40 is, like, 4.5 years. Differences in inheritance seem unlikely to explain a factor of more than 4.

how did boomers accumulate 21% of all wealth by avg age 30? could their jobs have paid that much? did they all save so much and invest wisely during a stock boom? did they all afford real estate?

I would have thought more people (especially men) died early in the 70s and 80s due to a „Mad Men life style“. Anecdotally I do not experience people of my age group dying of heart attacks and such that much. Probably offset by obesity.

After watching that Mos Def vid I found another vid that talked about the Doombots.

I never knew about this but holy frick. Doom sending out impostors to do shows is magnificent.

Most of the increase in overall life expectancy is due to lower infant and child mortality. People who make it to 25 now aren’t living all that much longer than people who made it to 25 half a century ago.

The big difference associated with baby boomers is how many of them there are. Yea, they have the same life expectancy, but there’s just so many of them that they still dominate the economy.

Well the average CEO made like 4x the average worker or something back then. So pay was much more equitably spread.

I’m also going to guess it’s something like 95% of the wealth in this country has been created since the 60s - and basically all of that has gone to the global elite - who are not millennials.

second point is definitely true. money itself has been a lot more profitable since 80s. even with financial crises and all

Definitely going to make some Doom lyric deconstruction threads in 2021. Some of you smarty pants on here can help me understand better.

He’s the lyrical villain UP needs and deserves.


Is that a chef’s kiss before the backhand?

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I only really started listening to Doom like two years ago, really bummed about him leaving us.

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It’s like in a fighting game when you hold down the button to charge up your attack.


It seemed ceremonial. Like a tool of tradition sitting in a bag of tricks broken out at a precise moment.

I’m gonna savor the glory of it before I jump into the Reddit thread and devour the meta.

I always read your angry rants in the voice of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


I think this is true going back much further. Like at least to the time of Newton.

That Carl sounds weird for some reason. I only watched the first 3 seasons. I wonder if they changed him.

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Yeah, I think it’s true for most of civilized human history other than times of major upheaval like wars and plagues. People living into their 70’s and 80’s has never been uncommon.

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yes this is correct, even going back very very far. When people tell you “well people live way longer now due to modern medicine”, they’re bullshitting you.

Before civilized human history too.

As the study authors put it, “The effective end of the human life course under traditional conditions seems to be just after age 70 years.” Anyone who makes it through childhood has a good shot of becoming an elder.

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The big part of it is cutting back infant mortality, then there are the infections that could kill you but you get penicillin, but still, there’s the last 10 years of old age where you probably get to live because you got a stint in your heart or something.

But, a lot of disease is a modern phenomenon too.

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