**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

That’s actually worse. DUCY?

Assuming you must pick an integer from 1-100 as a % ldo.

If not things still get really weird if you want to pick exactly 25%.

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Sounds like Boomers were real go getters and millennials just waste all their money on avocado toast!


Of course a big part of this is the cost of education in USA#57, but don’t forget that a lot of wealth is acquired by inheritance. In the 60s and 70s Life expectancy was a lot lower.
Today people that inherit are often in their fifties, sixties or even seventies themselves.

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Fusilli is now macaroni :confused:

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Um, technically, wasn’t 2020 the worst year of the last decade?


It’s the last year of the second decade of the 21st century, but the first year of the decade of the 2020s.

The definition of macaroni depends on the context. It can be the tubular pasta that some refer to as elbows. It can be any pasta that is a reasonable substitute in the dish commonly called “macaroni and cheese”. It can refer to dried pasta (pasta secca) as opposed to fresh pasta. In the US, “macaroni” used to be the generic name for pasta. This is why you might see boxes of spaghetti which describe the contents as “macaroni product”.

There are some delusionally optimistic voters in the pole.

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Education, health insurance, and housing costs prohibiting home ownership are the big 3.


I mean we’re going to spend 2021 realizing that vaccines aren’t as good when we’re handing out at 5% of the rate we need to and 30-40% of the population refuses them. Don’t see how it isn’t <5% for both.

The second question depends a lot on how old you are.

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Thanks for pointing out the additional factors for cost of living. I was just trying to point out that the difference is not merely due to rising costs of living, but also due to rising life expectancy.

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