**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Yeah. It’s super rare or something. It is nice. But I can’t seem to get over the chicken thing. I wish I hadn’t looked that up.

I’ve seen this and it really underlines how sick his rhyme schemes were.

Madvillainy was peak Doom and Madlib.


In 5 hours I can read this article on Adam Neumann!


Spoiler: he’s a piece of shit

Man, 2020 just had to go and take MF Doom from us on the way out. Fuck

all CAPS when you spell the man’s name.

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not being a smartass. BANGERS on CNN right now!

That is… not a good way to make mac and cheese.

Have you ever made a well respected underground hip hop album titled “MMM Food”?

I think not.

1 Like

Great movie. Shame that Guy Rurchie never made the sequel(s).

How much did you pay in convenience fees for that?




My friends and I played a two month game of walrus with the same judge - A fried who grew up religious and basically doesn’t know any music.

I submit this for our ‘songs under 2 minutes’ category and it won first place:


I voted Yes. But it’s like 60/40 in my mind that shit doesn’t really hit the fan in the 2020s.

Yeah, probability would be a better way to express it actually. I’ll remake

The bassline on that track is so good.

Making beats for doom really brought out madlibs best. It’s funny too since Madlib coming closer to the center stylistically really worked.

Likelyhood that 2020 will be the worst year in the decade (generally, rather than for you specifically)

  • 95+%
  • 75-95%
  • 50-75%
  • 25-50%
  • 5-25%
  • <5%

0 voters

Likelyhood that 2020 will be the worst year in your lifetime (generally, rather than for you specifically)

  • 95+%
  • 75-95%
  • 50-75%
  • 25-50%
  • 5-25%
  • <5%

0 voters

Fixed, it deleted votes so vote again. fail polester

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Technically shouldn’t it be 5-24%, 25-49%, etc?