**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

You make it sound like you have run into this a lot.

How common is this horrible affliction?

Itā€™s fairly common. Plus, when I was single, swiping and dating, I was more nit picky than Seinfeld.

The exception that proves the rule, imo.

I was with a friend in a pub once and we got chatting with the next table, and he in particular with a girl.

He overheard her say to her friend something like ā€œI bet you Iā€™ll be shagging this bloke in a couple of hoursā€, and he retorted to her ā€œOh it wonā€™t take that long, I only live around the corner!ā€.


Thatā€™s interesting that you need your bed in a corner, as my impression was that most people tried to keep the sides of their bed away from walls for easy access to either side. I donā€™t care personally, so no judgement.

I canā€™t remember ever making my bed, even as a kid. But changing the sheets every week is a must for me.

I worked with a dude that claimed to change and wash his sheets every day. He told me his routine, and I donā€™t have any reason not to believe him.

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Cookie Monster != Grover


If I had lots of money to pay someone to do it and I suddenly turned into a heartless so and so who didnā€™t give a fk about the environment I would so have clean sheets everyday. Once per week for me.

Itā€™s that time again.


Anyone that tells you they wouldnā€™t fuck Grover is full of it.

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Happy New Year people! First year in forever I actually made it to midnight.


Happy New Year everyone


Happy New Year to the Aussie people here.

Is 2021 better than 2020?

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Fuck I thought Iā€™d be first with the happy new year. East coast bros hitting it first. Hoping it will collectively suck less than 2020, although personally my 2020 was solid.

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Iā€™m at a karaoke house party.


The Fray - How To Save A Life
Robbie Williams - Advertising Space
Britney Spears - Oops I Did It Again
Ben Folds - Landed

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Are you still there?

If so, taking suggestions?

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Karaoke finished at midnight. Otherwise totally would.

Must be nice to live in a country where you can go to house parties and hang out with other humans :cry::cry::cry:


Leave imo

Edit: good decision

This was Auckland, NZ - crowds and everything.

Iā€™m so jelly Iā€™m jam.

ā€¦ I mean I donā€™t go out-out at New Year but spend it with friends but will at the first opportunity now ā€¦ 2022?

Meanwhile I have to put up with this shit 5 mins from my door.

I gather the police are on it but it just makes me despair.

Happy New Year all :cocktail: :balloon: