**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I did think that was weird. It’s not like an obscure name or anything.

The surname will probably vary by dialect, but I would say Oh-en Oh-brawn.

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Do they not use K’s in Ireland?

Are there idiot Irish parients who stick Ks where Cs usually are to make their kids’ names more unique (or for whatever fucking reason it’s for)? Any Konnors or Konans running about?

Accoring my 1 min of google, this highly authoritative source says both are correct:

3. Oisin (uh-sheen or o-sheen)

‘K’ doesn’t exist in the Gaelic alphabet. Anglicised forms of Irish names resorted to using ‘K’ in desperation due to things like the aforementioned Sillian Murphy (he really is very silly, folks).

Functionally, you can use either, there are plenty of Killians for example.

Probably a dialect thing, our friends in the country have their little ways.

For the love of God don’t try to understand or make sense of the spelling/pronunciation conventions. We don’t understand them. Nobody does.

I know nothing about Irish names, but Killian is the only one I can think of where I’ve seen a K used. Any others?. Here are the C ones from the list:

Ciaran (I guess I’ve seen this one with a K too)

I knew a Kealan (Caoimhlinn, so I don’t blame him).

See, I think that’s fine. On the other hand, based on Melkerson’s arbitrary rules of naming people, anyone who names their kid Kaoimhlinn needs to be punched in the face.

I’m assuming here that the C version is a traditional name and spelling. If that’s not true, I’ll need to re-evaluate.

I know somebody named Kiva. Only it isn’t spelled Kiva. It’s spelled Caoimhe. Go home Gaelic; you’re drunk.


It’s Shiffon or something close to that, right?

more Shivorn

It took me like a season and a half to figure out what was going on with Shiv’s name in Succession

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Since the other name tells me what “Caoimh” means, this has to be Kevin.

I only learned Siobhan from a discussion just like this one on 22.

One thing I wasn’t sure was weird or not is that they’re Scottish, but I always thought Siobhan was pure Irish. But maybe it’s both. Or maybe they just went with an Irish name.

I dunno about punched in the face, but it would be weird to do that alright.



Just shiv afaik

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Never heard anyone abbreviate it like that.

They’re just using it as her nickname. It’s what her friends and family call her.

If there is a news story about her in the paper, they use the full Siobhan.

Her parents are from Scotland, however. Not sure if that changes anything.