**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Meh. We’re* friends enough for my dog. I wouldn’t mind having another dog or a cat and then of course it’d matter, but I don’t really care if she makes a “friend” for 5 minutes and I don’t think she does either.

*not just immediate family, she accepts other people into the pack relatively quickly.

Having your dog off leash outside a designated area should be criminal and allow the dog to be seized. It’s so dangerous for the dog and no matter how trained for the public.

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oh I totally 100% believe this is what is actually going through their heads

it’s really one of those situations like people who don’t tip, there’s really nothing you can do about it, all you can do is go on super monkey tilt and make a 90-post hijeck on the internet.


I don’t think it was about following your passion, it was about what gave Picard the character trait to be passionate, take risks, be bold. The Chad prime universe Picard vs the virgin cuck beta universe Picard.

Everyone speaks English in Montreal. Paris (or the rest of France) is a different story.

I actually took French in high school about 25 yrs ago and I was able to get by in Paris. Of course, I started prior to high school and I took it pretty seriously. But I don’t speak it ever, and I’m sure if I go back in another 10 years, I won’t be able to pull it off.

That still stands out as one of my dumbest educational decisions. If I’d spent that effort on Spanish, it would have been infinitely more useful.

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This person’s “reasoning” is paper thin - I want to go for a run, I want my dog to come, I dont want the dog to slow me down, THEREFORE I shall run through the park with my dog off leash.

Its as simple as that. Your dog is your problem, and it never crossed their mind that they should take tour situation into account.

I’m really hoping this keeps happening and we get an “Overton Park Karen” video featuring pvn.

Yes, I’ve been there and I tried to use my 25-year-old high school french as much as possible. I think the effort was appreciated but it went about as well as you might expect. Honestly, in hindsight, it probably went better than I deserved to believe it would go.

oh, I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for this one again, I’ll keep you posted

How fluent were you at your peak?

I was solid enough that I was taking tests to be certified to teach introductory French my senior year. I had no interest in actually teaching, they just had to find a goal for people who were past AP French, so that was it.

Not very! I took three years and I got to the point where I didn’t (always) have to think in english and translate sentence by sentence, but just barely. In any case, I got through checking into the hotel, ordering drinks/dinner/coffee (mostly) in french so it was a success IMO

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This is really where you turn the corner. Truth be told, even when I was at my best I never was thinking in French 100% of the time. For example, in one of those aforementioned tests, I was given 15 min to read an article in the French equivalent of Time magazine and then I had to discuss it with two examiners who would ask me about it.

I got one about some French union workers strikes. I was a bit of a politard then, but that subject matter was way off my radar. There was no way I could give my rudimentary opinions on unions without thinking in English first and translating. But short of that I was just thinking in French.

However, on my last trip to France, I was 100% thinking in English and translating it in my head.

Well that’s tricky. I’m not sure I see the essential difference. We’ll end up arguing about freedom of choice. Did Q give Picard a chance to make another choice or was he demonstrating that he had no choice? Maybe all possible outcomes do in fact occur and Q was merely moving Picard’s consciousness from one universe to another.


The struggle is very real. On a Chapo a few months ago, Amber pronounced ‘Cillian Murphy’ Sillian Murphy and it was hysterical. I pictured Cillian Murphy but with goggle-eyes and a spinner bow-tie.

ETA it might just be her way of typing it but I’ve only ever heard it pronounced Uh-sheen.

The difference is what zikzack said above, where his brother spent ten years following the do what you’re passionate about life coaching advice only to come up empty handed. Picard didn’t have to look for what he was passionate about, he was passionate. In fact, he had to make a hard choice about two different career paths, each of which he passionate about, bossing people around the ship and being an archaeologist.

So sure beta universe lame Picard could say oh I need to find out what I am passionate about, then it’ll come together. But mostly he spent his time drinking tea and running scans and shit while real officers rolled their eyes every time he begged them to transfer power to stellar cartography so he could run his 67 hour survey of the Debulon Nebula. Sad! Whereas chad universe Picard was out there making moves and proactively discovering his passions.

AFAIK ‘C’ in Irish names is always a ‘cuh’ sound. Can’t think of an exception.

I didn’t get the impression zikzak’s brother suffered from a lack of passion. Just the opposite. The major difference between zikzakbro and a billionaire telling his story is the outcome.

The outline of the talk is

(Probably not really) humble beginning
List of challenges and painful failures
Miraculous comeback and ultimate triumph
Takeaway: Follow Your Passion

LOL Airlines, such scum. They take all the taxpayer money then pull absurd shit like this:

If you had a United ticket for $2,000 and couldn’t fly because COVID and now book a $1,000 ticket with the credit, they keep the unused $1,000. Lots of other shenanigans in here like lol Frontier making people re-book for flights within 90 days and charging them fees every time they book to keep the credit from expiring.

We’re supposed to believe that this aunt and uncle who grew up in Ireland and lived there until they’re 18 are both completely wrong in how to pronounce an Irish name?

I really wonder what the actual name was. It sounds like he just used Oisin as a substitute.