**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Also Logan calls her Shiv-awn about 20% of the time.

I’ve heard the Irish have an affinity for Mexico. Spelling envy might explain it.

There have been collaborations from time to time, yes.


Yeah… IRL, I don’t think many people would want to nickname their daughters after implements used to commit jailhouse murders.

But isn’t Logan Scotch? Do they pronounce that name the same way?

If I were I Shiobhan, there is a 90% chance I’d have chosen to go by Shiv prior to seeing Succession.

Speaking of following one’s passion, this reporter certainly did

The no-humor part of me thinks that this is a perfect example of why rural folk see city people as out of touch elitists.

The other part of me thinks it’s hilarious and damned fine investigative reporting.


Great writing, in any case.


I’m not saying following your passion doesn’t ever work out well.


I go through streaks of doing crosswords as well, and I just subscribed to NYT Sunday Delivery (because I’m not going to stores and collecting free newspapers, I also need newspaper to start my fires, hah), which gave me access to the NYT Crossword app. I’m pretty on Weds, but haven’t solved a Thursday yet.

I follow some crossword people on Twitter, and they were raving about the Washington Post Sunday Crossword and the meta related to it. I solved the main puzzle, but the next step for the 5x5 was lost on me. I cheated a bit to get started, then the final 5 word answer was completely lost on me, so I read the creator’s write up with all the spoilers.

It’s a good challenge if someone wants to take a stab. The puzzle is free without a Post subscription.

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Quite different to the cryptic crosswords we’re used to here. Not a huge fan, I must say.

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Cryptic crosswords are more fun.

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Bit of a crossword snob, I must admit.

The meta was a really tough solve. I can’t even imagine creating a puzzle like that.

Well I mean…you’d close it down when you saw

17 That guy’s (3)

I used to tackle The Guardian cryptic with a workmate back in the day. Each setter had a unique style that you had to be attuned to. I remember one setter, Enigmatist, who set a crossword one day where every clue was just a single letter.

We were staring at it agape until my pal got a Down clue:

M (3,2,3,7,2,3)

and seeing the theme enabled us to complete it. Funny how you remember specific things from 35 years ago but can’t remember what you had for dinner a week ago.

“Top of the morning to you”?






I know one of the setters of the famous weekly puzzle (The Times I think?), as well as another who often went to the annual get-together for people who solve all 52 (or however many) puzzles during the year. He used a star theme as his signature, so Starman or something like that. Anyway, the setter now lives in the U.S., and does American-style crosswords and no cryptic ones :-O.

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