**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

To commemorate the losing of my M-vatar (apparently me and @MasterofthePwn had the same color). I’m honored to have my one of a kind, hand drawn depiction of Eli Cash as the new Conman-vatar.

For those that don’t know, from the movie The Royal Tenanbaums:

everyone knows that Custer died at the battle of little big horn. What this book presupposes is…maybe he didn’t

That line never fails to crack me up. :heart: Owen Wilson.


Tomorrow is the second Friday the 13th of 2020. Here are the headlines from the first one:


Maybe its just because I’m the target audience but Royal Tenenbaums is a god damn masterpiece that deserves way more credit.


The French Dispatch, the next movie by Wes Anderson, also with Bill Murray (and many others, incl Owen Wilson) in it, was supposed to come out a while ago, but delayed because of covid.

Close between Wes Anderson movies and COVID for worse plague upon the earth imo.

Haven’t seen Tenenbaums though.

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Wes Anderson is like rhubarb. You love him or you hate him. Both are understandable positions.

Bottle Rocket, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Rushmore are all awesome.


Wes Anderson is so weird. I don’t like full Wes Anderson. Didn’t care for Rushmore which might as well be 0 on the scale of Wes Anderson. 10 is The French Dispatch

French Dispatch is coming, but if this isn’t 10/10 Wes Anderson I don’t know what is.

I like a 2-6 Wes Anderson.

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take bottle rocket out, put fantastic mr fox in.

How about the movie that came out 4 or 5 years ago about an Indian kid working as a bellhop at some old, fancy hotel. I liked that one, was it a Wes Anderson?

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Yes, same dude.


That’s the only WA movie I’ve liked.

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I have never seen a Wes Anderson movie.

Have not seen Bottle Rocket but will check it out based on your recommendation. Loved both of the others and also enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom and The Life Aquatic.

Grand Budapest Hotel may be my favorite of all of his movies, though. F. Murray Abraham left me feeling just the right amount of sad at the end.

lollllllll, when you see the guy riding in on his bike you just know he’s going to get whalloped



I liked the others too (Moonrise, TLA, and GBH).

I think The Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore are a notch above the rest. I don’t want to oversell Bottle Rockets. And it was the first Wes Anderson movie I saw, and I saw it when it came out 24 years ago.

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I liked Tennenbaums, Rushmore, and Grand Budapest Hotel and hated Life Aquatic, Moonrise Kingdom, and that one on the dumb train.

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But the best Wes Anderson is in the TV show “Catastrophe”

Chris: Right! What we seeing?
Rob: Oh, so I got us tickets to The Emancipation of Flyburton Crisp.
Chris: What?
Rob: It’s the new Wes Anderson.
Chris: No.
Rob: No? Just no?
Chris: Just no. What else?
Rob: Well, we could see that Adam Sandler movie, it starts at 8:10.
Chris (intensely): Let’s go


100% agree on this. I have Fantastic Mr. Fox solidly in 3rd place. And then the rest.