**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Or imagine being this guy, who kept fighting WWII for almost 30 years because he refused to believe the war was really over.


Yeah I was just trying to watch some junk to fill up a few minutes and everything but the actual videos load. Was wondering if it was me, my ISP, or YouTube. I guess it’s not just me at least.

Edit: searched Twitter, found this:

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Youtube down, Barron doing the cyber


Wife has lab things to do. 3 year old is in full blown tantrum because he was watching Blippi and it crashed. Fun times


I was about to watch a Dodo video in which a guy befriends a Zebu, so you can quit your whining


Geez I’m just off of my TV + apps + tablet trying to use YouTube… Even checked my Internet

I wanted to fire up the polk & D’Negs match… :pensive:

I had to go emergency dailymotion blippi. Next step is pornhub.


Edit: Text from the ex coworker who told me YouTube was down.


I can imagine this easily because there’s thousands of MAGA chuds on Predictit right now betting thousands of dollars that Trump will in the 2020 election.


Disabling all youtube to block that one video is smart. Too bad your friend is too smart to fall for it.


If it was anyone other than Rudy I might of believed it.

Carlin absolute GOAT. I watched some of those specials as a high-school kid and thought he was past his prime. He’s lost his fastball. Not that hilarious anymore.

I watch them now and have infinite respect that he was one of the most subversive public figures in America for half a century.

George Carlin is the first public figure that made me feel like I wasn’t a complete freak for being an atheist. Representation matters.

You’re not wrong, but I think that Carlin was an early example of the phenomenon of Clapter, which isn’t really great. I mean his commentary is great and thought provoking but when you drop in the preaching you’ve got to be real good to have it still be funny. Carlin could get there but it definitely wouldn’t have seemed “funny” to someone raised on Night at the Improv style stand up.

A lot of famous people have a hard time understanding the meaning behind parasite, I don’t think Bradley here even saw it lol


But also not surprising from the guy who didn’t understand what his lines in get out meant lol


Early Carlin was pure genius and hilarious. Late Carlin was grumpy old man and not that funny. But boy did he nail the truth.

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Contrary take, the shallow subversiveness of some of Carlin’s social commentary is closer to populist Trumpism (“the man is trying to steal our votes!”) than the kind of normie establismentarianism that allows for effective government.

This only goes to part of Carlin’s critique, and some of his stuff is on target, but he’s sometimes downright shallow. Same with Bill Hicks.




I haven’t seen Parasite, but Whitford is definitely an anti-Trump liberal. Probably a poorly done meme or he was posting it as a commentary on Trumpian cluelessness.

" Whitford has been described as having “liberal views”.[28] He contributed to The Huffington Post as a columnist.[33] He serves on the Board of Advisors of Let America Vote, an organization founded by former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander that aims to end voter suppression.[34]

In 2011, Whitford spoke at a protest in his native Madison, Wisconsin in opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill.[35] Prior to the 2012 United States elections, Whitford and Courage Campaign founder, Rick Jacobs, appeared together in a video that elaborated on California’s Proposition 30 and Proposition 32;[36] the video encouraged viewers to vote “yes” on the former and “no” on the latter.[37] Leading up to the 2014 Wisconsin gubernatorial election, Whitford visited multiple University of Wisconsin System campuses in support of nominee Mary Burke, who went on to lose against incumbent Governor Scott Walker.[38] Whitford supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 United States presidential election.[39] He has been a vocal critic of US President Donald Trump.[40]

In 2019, he co-hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg alongside actress Gwyneth Paltrow as well as donated to Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign.[41] That same year, Whitford appeared in a public service announcement in support of abortion rights alongside other cast members of The Handmaid’s Tale .[42] The following year, he appeared as part of a series of “surprise virtual appearances” in support of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.[43]"

i mean, parasite itself and this fairly poor meme even more so are definitely in rorschach territory