**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I’m loving my Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series that I got for under $400. I think I have had it for 2 and a half years.

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How long do you expect to get out of a Mac? Even if it’s twice as long, you can get a good Windows laptop for less than half the price.

My colleague has had his for 8 years. My aunt’s still works after 15 years.

This is probably good insight into the mind of a narcissist.

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Is the Sargent from Super Troopers doing the voice work for the McRib commercials?

This is driving me crazy.

My Toshiba something laptop is 10 years old and my desktop factory outlet Dell something has a ship date of 10/04/00 on the box :face_with_raised_eyebrow:




I don’t think there’s anything within that bureau of the state department that will change quickly within a Biden administration. The people making your passport are pretty removed from the politicals. There’s also the risk of senate Republicans blocking all Biden appointees and that gumming up the works for some stupid reason. Might as well put in for it now.

FWIW my gf just got a new passport (not replacement) and it arrived 5-6 weeks after requesting, much much faster than I anticipated.




I’m not going to try to convince you or anyone to buy one or the other. But if it doesn’t do what I want it to do, then it’s a partial doorstop, and doorstops are free.

I’m on my 4th MacBook Air since 2012, with the others handed down to the kids for college, and I’m thinking that when this one breaks, I’ll look at the Win machines, especially tablets. The lack of a touch screen is a fail in the MacBooks, and iPads haven’t yet made it to real computer status. Win and Mac can both do standard stuff, and I don’t play computer games, so the main extra feature I want is ability to program.

I guess I don’t really consider computers investments, but more of an expense. I used to buy the $400 desktop computers, until I had to buy a Mac for a consulting gig.

it should be possible at some point. Windows 10 will run on Arm64 (aren’t the new surfacebooks using Arm now?)

It’s the dude from Succession. The dad.

New Surface Pro X uses an ARM processor, but the regular Surface Pros and Surface Books do not.

I don’t believe ARM Windows was very successful…

According to imdb, we’re thinking of the same guy, an actor named Bryan Cox.

I keep waiting for him to say “I’m gonna pistol-whip the next person to say 'shenanigans!” in the commercial

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I don’t even know who this guy is. But I agree with him it’s BS.


I want to respond here, but I don’t know what level you or the people liking your post are on.


It is so fucking tilting seeing Hannity and Ingraham FOXNEWS commercials while watching football on regular FOX. Fucking garbage

I’m on the level you’re usually on. Don’t know about anybody else. Since you did respond, I don’t know what level you’re currently on though.