**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

is that because of M1? i prefer virtualbox to dualboot anyway

Please do, I havenā€™t heard any revues of trying to run an intel vm on one.

Happy Boxing Day, which as Americans all know, is the day you spend cramming all the Amazon boxes into the recycling bin you havenā€™t used since last Boxing Day




Nah. Not quite working. I mean Steam works but not the games through them.

Though I only tried one game and itā€™s a pretty old one (FFX/X-2 Remastered). It seems that CrossOver and Parallel Desktop are working on developing proper versions for M1 so I can play Windows games. It might take a while unfortunately.

Iā€™m looking to buy a game (Baldurā€™s Gate Enhanced Edition) and I found a copy in the App Store and one on Steam. Are there differences in the gameā€™s performance and support large enough to justify buying it in the App Store for double the price?

No idea, Iā€™ve only seen a few of Rene Richies revues and he didnā€™t talk about game performance, Iā€™m pretty sure you can get a refund from the App store, but double check before taking the plunge. Iā€™m curious but not in the market for a new computer.

BGEE is absolutely NOT worth it, just get it on GOG

my passport expires in late 2021 so Iā€™m thinking now is a great time to renew it.

so you can type all your info in, but it doesnā€™t actually, like, record your info, it just dumps it into a PDF then you print it out and mail it in, wtf

anyway, they ask for phone number for you and your emergency contact

I fill these in using a leading 1 (e.g. 1-xxx-yyy-zzzz but without dashes because it says NO DASHES). This seems to be the way to do it since clearly some people live abroad or might have emergency contacts overseas.

I get the PDF and print it out and notice the phone numbers are filled in like this:


what the fuck

I have the same issue, but Iā€™m intentionally waiting until a few months into the Biden admin before doing it. I just will have a lot more confidence in everything working better then. Probably not rational, but I donā€™t have any international travel planned, so downside risk is low.




Donā€™t remember us covering this one in school.


I guess Lincoln really was a Republican after all.


Wiki page seems a lot more useful than that tweet if youā€™re actually interested.

It involves hundreds (maybe?) of white people dead from an a set of attacks, a military tribunal (not Lincolnā€™s orders really), and Lincoln commuted 200+. Pretty fascinating story that tweet does no justice for.

Whereā€™s Lincoln in the biggest assholes draft?

eta: The conflict seems to have started from corruption due to privatization. The Dakota were supposed to get paid in exchange for giving up a lot of land in Minnesota and trading agents were given the money to give to them and just kept it. That started the Dakota War. The executions were at the end of the war.


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The healthy (and semi-healthy) world needs to fight back and keep narcissists and sociopaths from getting all the damn money.

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Lift lines were brutal today at Mammoth. :joy:


They donā€™t want people putting dashes because then thereā€™ll be double dashes, and they assume anyone who will put dashes will read and comply with the instructions regarding dashes, while people who wonā€™t, wonā€™t? I suppose maybe they could preclude double dashes, but that would be my guess.

Maybe I missed something, but why not just buy a Windows machine if you want to run Windows? More power/$, more RAM available, can run Linux directly, or Docker, VMWare, etc. Canā€™t run Garage Band, I guess.

I had 3 Windows laptops prior to this and each one lasted around 3 years.

Mac is a better investment. Plus itā€™s way easier to get support for it no matter where I am in the world given how many Apple Stores there are.

Figured that dual booting Windows would just be icing on the cake. But the M1 processors are new. So Iā€™m sure at some point dual booting will be possible.