**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The gf has a house on Long Island where we have been spending most of our time but the wind storm of the century is coming tonight and she has a ton fluck of trees on the property and some are kinda close to the house so I told her to pack her bags and so we’re spending Christmas Eve in the city now instead. I think she thinks I’m a bit of a coward but lol at thinking you’re tougher than the wind.

Merry Christmas UP. I’m doing a Secret Santa for you next year. You deserve it.


NYC is such an a awesome city. I can’t wait to spend a Christmas there with my kids, truly a magical place.


My favorite AI story is that he once could not find his car in a parking lot so just went and bought a new one.

It’s officially Christmas here but it’s never felt less like it. Nevertheless


Hot take: Clark Griswokd is an asshole


Both in the movie and real life apparently.

Is he dead? You should draft him.




Merry holidays UP. Set up a zoom christmas for moms and the grandkids and that went really well, she loved it.


Was quite a blow over here in West NJ. Lucky power survived. Kept me up all night.

Watching people swear by chiropractors is so infuriating. It’s one thing to say they helped your back. It’s another to say they cured your hearing problems through back and neck cracking for $500/week.

Thank God it’s my mom’s partner and not my mom.

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It’s the most widely accepted pseudoscience sadly.

Can’t explain them out of it.

I mean if they were so good then they wouldn’t have to go back for “adjustments” every week. Their CPD wouldn’t be how to make more money.

I had serious back problems, went to a physiotherapist for £30, got a bunch of exercises to do daily and was back to normal in a week.

Also new Macs don’t dual boot with Windows :frowning:

Is there another worthwhile alternate?

Guessing this is a surprise to pretty much nobody.

Disco Bloodbath (since renamed Party Monster after the movie) - my favorite book of all time. Funniest book I’ve ever read.

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I loved that book. Learning that Macaulay Culkin was going to play Alig was right up there with hearing about Tom Cruise playing Lestat.

And then he pretty much pulled it off, even if he was constantly upstaged by Seth Green.

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Looks like the Czech government is taking away the agreed upon raise for teachers because covid fucked up the budget.

Unions prove to be as useless as the Democratic Party in America. Wrote a strongly worded Facebook post and that’s it. No fucking balls at all.

You can still get intel macs for a another year or so, they’ll last another 5 or 6 after that. Other than macs you’re pretty much left with various flavors of *nix. I got a laptop from System76 last January and have been very happy with it. They have their own distro which requires very little fucking with out of the box to get running. Never checked to see if they sold them with Windows or specifically for dual booting but they’re a pretty cool company out of Colorado.

I got the previous version of this: Gazelle - System76 in the 17" model. I love the screen but it doesn’t fit in any of my bags and is more of a desktop replacement than a laptop.

Already got my Mac. Figured I’d be able to dual boot it :frowning:

Oh well. Trying out a virtual machine now. Seems to work. Will let you know how some PC games work.