**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

“It was the first time a president had died in office.”

That sentence kind of makes you doubt the veracity of the rest of it.

Edit: Disregard above. I am an idiot.

Who died in office before Harrison?

It’s from What Hath God Wrought, Oxford History of the US from 1815-1848.

(And note, I’m not anti-medicine any more than I’m anti-chemistry just because alchemy was bad. I complain about the history of medicine, but there were fewer doctors and they were less respected prior to the germ theory of disease and subsequent developments.)

Lol for some reason I didn’t read the paragraph before it and I was thinking of McKinley, because I was reading something about McKinley about a half hour ago. I think the fact they’re both Williams tripped me up.

Weekend Update is actually pretty good comedy, so how is the rest of this show such a mess?

Easier to write than an original skit.

True but I’m not sure I can name a worse sketch comedy show all-time than current SNL.

Have you heard of the Tom Green Show?

Melissa McCarthy as Spicer was sublime.

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Some of it was unwatchable but some of it was great.

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That’s been SNL since the 70s.

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I thought Kamala slapping Pence was A+ but I really like Maya Rudolph.

Peak Tom Green way higher than anything from SNL from an avant-garde comedy standpoint. SNL is like the McDonald’s comedy for people you have to explain every joke to. That Scarlett Johansson joke was the best thing on there tonight and I’d bet most people watching didn’t understand it.

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I’m just saying it’s always been a mixture of suck and sublime. I haven’t watched a full SNL episode unless I was in someone else’s house since the 90s. But I do enjoy the highlights from some nights. Sounds like tonight wasn’t one of those nights.

I don’t expect Christmas trees to be inconspicuous but I do feel some line has been crossed with the one pictured.

The Half Hour News Hour

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Nit: William Henry, not Benjamin. Benjamin’s grandad.



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Poop turtle?


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The last car I owned was an Orange 1976 AMC Matador. When I moved to NYC I really wanted to lose it in a poker game, but I couldn’t manage to find anyone to take me up on it (at the end I was offering the chance for $50 HU). I ended up giving it to a friend in exchange for a six pack of Shiner Bock. Don’t think anyone came out ahead on that deal.

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