**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

In the 90s I bought a car for £80. There were a few things wrong with it but it was roadworthy for a year or so until more serious things went wrong that would have meant spending more money than it was worth.

I gave it to a pal who was overjoyed, as was I for getting shot of it.

I also went five years without a car until recently, and didn’t miss it at all.

My last car was an accord that I put 35k miles on in less than two years and still somehow sold for more than (purchase price - payments at 0%).

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still driving 2006 accord, 200k+ miles, only work I’ve had done to it besides routine maintenance is a VTEC solenoid and gas pedal position sensor that both went out about 2 years ago. I think the piston rings are worn enough now that I’m getting a little bit of blow-by but that’s not really a big deal, I just add a quart of 5W-20 halfway between oil changes and it’s fine.

I wasn’t arguing, just offering a data point. I think the idea of not having a car and doing ride share, if it works for you, would be great.

I’m married with two kids and a dog and I’m a contractor who drives tools and ladders to a thousand different places all over a sprawling city. There’s really no alternative to a truck/van for me.

Current vehicle is a 2002 GMC Safari with 290k miles. Previous was a 2002 Ford F-150 with 280k miles.

Yeah, that all makes sense.

The only reason I suggested it was because of his extremely low mileage. When you drive that little, it doesn’t really matter too much where you live for rideshare to be a reasonable substitute.

When i left grad school in Pittsburgh for law school in CA I sold my toyota corolla for $750 and felt I was getting the better end of the bargain.

My college graduation present was a $750 1983 Toyota 5-speed, 4-cyl turbo extended cab pickup that I swear is the quickest vehicle off the blocks I’ve ever owned. I might still be driving it if the bed didn’t completely rust out. I loved that truck. So fun to drive.

It just felt that way because little pickups peel out so easily when there’s so little weight on the back wheels.

I bought my first ever new car 7 years ago and it felt great to be totally confident driving it and knowing it won’t break down. Before it there was 20 years of junkers that failed at various inconvenient times and places.

I’m kinda opposed in principle to buying new cars but when my wife’s van got totaled a few years back we got a new odyssey, the difference between a new one and a three year old one was insanely small

Honestly I should have just bought another 2004 ody, that is the most pure vehicle ever built.

I wish they made that thing in AWD. I’ll be in the market for a minivan soon, so my only options are Sienna and Pacifica.

I want the new Bronco but only if I get back to Colorado, otherwise, the 40 mpg CR-Z I have is fine… Unless I have to put more than 400lbs in the car…



roll tide


So. Many. Questions!

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We just got a Christmas card from old time boomer friends of my parents with a photo of them dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus with a note that it was taken on Halloween at the wedding of their grandson, where apparently all guests showed up in costumes but without masks. Fucking 2020 man…

Edit: actually it’s possible they are silent generation and not boomers.





SNL is a trailer park tornado filled with dumpster fires. Just cancel all of this shit and let Dua Lipa have the entire time slot kthx.

Regarding the history of doctors, this is the treatment Benjamin Harrison received in 1841.

Must have been pre Hippocratic Oath :/.