**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

When I worked downtown it was 25 minutes by car or 1.5 hours taking 2 trains and still having to drive some. Painful. Nothing ever seems to be on one train line in LA.

Agreed but ~3K miles a year is very low. If thatā€™s all you did, I suspect even in SoCal it wouldnā€™t be that bad.

How many miles a year do you drive?

So I donā€™t think this insane deal is available, BUT thereā€™s probably some really good deal available. I could turn in my lease and not have a car for a few weeks while looking for a really good deal. That may be the pro move. I obviously donā€™t drive much and could live without a BMW.

To be clear, I wasnā€™t suggesting public transportaion as an alternative. I was suggesting mostly rideshares.

Given how little he drives, and the savings on car, insurance, gas, taxes, parking, maintenance, etc. Just ubering everywhere is probably not gonna be much more expensive for him.

Ubering during COVID is a huge reason I donā€™t go out even to patio bars or yard parties over the summer. A car doesnā€™t help I guess since Iā€™d be drinking but Ubering now scares me.

Yeah, I guess Iā€™m referring to normal times.

Pre-covid - maybe 14k because of a long commute and lots of road trips.

That 19 mile commute would be 2 hours each way if I took buses lol. Actually longer because Iā€™d have about a mile walk to my house or another bus ride. Iā€™ve only done it when I had my car worked on which was on the bus route. And itā€™s kind of lucky that from there itā€™s only two buses and one is an express. Still 2 hours coming home, maybe a little quicker going to work.

The job before that was much closer and I was maybe 6-8k, largely road trips.

During covid almost zero obviously.

I almost always Uber when doing things normally though if Iā€™m going to even have a drink or two at dinner or something. My car is a 2015 and only has 25k miles on it. Almost all of them from camping/road trips.

In the US outside of the major cities and a few other places itā€™s almost impossible to go without a car.

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AUS and the US are much more built for cars than much of Europe. Itā€™s not only the cities and distances, a car is basically an assumption when organizing society (at least outside of NYC and DC).

I guess his 3K/yr was probably influenced by COVID. But even if he drove zero in the last year, that only puts him at 5K a year. Thatā€™s still a lot less than you.

If he was at 14K or even 8K, Iā€™d never thought to have suggested it.

Lemme know if you find any good lease deals :)

Itā€™s almost impossible inside most major cities too.

Agreed, but rideshare companies changed that calculus for some cities.

My dad advised me to lease. I said fuck no and got a used car where price and maintenance over 3-4 years was less than the total lease and I put on over 10k miles per year.

The frugal midwesterner in me just doesnā€™t understand the desire for a new or new-ish car.

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A used Toyota or Honda has to be the best value. New Honda or Toyota isnā€™t bad either.

Every time I looked at prices of used Hondas I ended up just buying new.

Yeah, I bought a ten year old CR-V with 140k miles for around 7k.

Have no car, love it

You plan to stay with no car after the pandemic ends?